4 Ways to Get More From the Training Days You Attend by Kate Hirst, Performance Coach at the KONA Group
We’ve all been sitting in a training room at one time or another when someone says or thinks “Yeah, yeah, yeah… We’ve been here before but nothing ever changes because the Boss never follows it up”, or “this wouldn’t work with my customers, in my state, with my products”.
It is therefore no surprise, albeit disappointing, that some participants revert back to their original behaviours and skills, when back on-the-job post training.
After years of both delivering and being an active participant in
Sales Training,
Customer Service and
Sales Management Training, what stands out is the difference between those who look at training as an investment in their own careers and personal development; and those who are there because the Boss told them to (Interesting that many of this latter group are often behind target).
I get it… We are all busy and when we walk out of the training room and back to our busy day, it is so easy to simply fall back into auto pilot and leave all the new and useful skills and techniques behind.
But we can’t say on one hand “The market we sell into is changing”; or “our customers are expecting more for less”; and/or “our competition always seems to be in-front and/or cheaper than us” and not do anything about it.
Training is an investment in YOU (and/or your team) to help you adapt and stay current in your changing market, and as the word suggests, organisations should expect a Return On Investment, not just run a “tick in the box” conscience course, to fill up a day before you head to the bar for free drinks.
So, what will make the difference between the next training day you attend, being either just another day filled with 1 or 2 decent bits of information, and maybe even a free lunch and a chance to sit back and put your feet up;
OR a day that will change and improve the way you work and get the most from the investment being made in you?
For over 16 years the
KONA Group have trained 1000s of
Sales People,
Customer Service and
Managers a year, and here are 4 Proven Tips that will increase the effectiveness of your training and help participants to translate the information shared in the training room and apply it to their day job.
1. Don’t waste money on generic “off the shelf, by the manual”
Sales Training or
Call Centre Training courses that have been rolled out across many different industries and organisation, and had last week’s client logo removed and yours added.
Ensure that your Training Partner spends time before the training
in your business to understand your Strategy, Industry, Value Proposition, Channel, Team’s Capability and Challenges, so that any Training can be Customised to your organisation.
KONA highly recommend the proven
A.C.T.C. methodology of Assessment, Customisation, Training then Coaching to create a real difference and improve results for organisations).
2. Managers must be involved to make the Training meaningful…
- During the workshops Managers need to constantly be thinking about how the content specifically relates to your role.Managers As Coaches are crucial to generate an ROI post Training so think about how you can apply the methodologies and theory, and more specifically, how they can be applied to improve your team’s performance to get better results.
- As a Manager, think about how you can facilitate some brainstorming with your team after the training days to drive momentum and application for new and improved ways to do things.
3. Work with your Training Partner to create tools and activities that will help you maintain awareness and keep developing your new skills and behaviours…
- Add an agenda item to the appropriate meeting or one on one with your manager; update report templates to include reference to the new and desired activities; buddy up with a fellow participant from the training and catch up regularly to discuss your wins and challenges in the application of your new and improved methodologies.MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL – Managers must get out from behind their desks and join their people in the field visiting Customers and coaching their people on-the-job
4. Take the time to reflect on the impact of the
Sales Training or
Call Centre Training and measure your results against the introduction of the new and improved activities…
- Constantly review your progress and be honest with yourself.Are you still below target but saying “oh, the training was okay, and the muffins at morning tea were great, BUT that type of training idea won’t work with my customers/in my area/in my state/with my products…..”
This act of self-assessment works to keep you aware of your own Attitudes, Skills and Behaviours and how they directly impact on your performance.
Without it, you just fall into B.E.D. … Blaming others, making Excuses, Denying your responsibility
KONA Group is Australia’s Leading
Sales Training and
Sales Management Training and Coaching company and provide
Customised Training programs that include:
Sales Training & Coaching,
Sales Pipeline Training,
Key Account Management Training,
Call Centre Training & coaching,
Negotiation Skills Training & Coaching,
Motivational Speakers,
HR Consulting;
DISC and
MBTI and more.
So if you are looking to increase the effectiveness and results of your organisation, contact us today at
KONA on 1300 611 288 or text 0425200883 or email
info@kona.com.au to discuss how we can help you to improve your organisation’s results.