KONA Group Networking Event and Seminar

KONA Group has joined forces with Business Advisors and Chartered Accountants Grange Business Partners to put on a Client Seminar and Networking event and we would like to invite you to attend on June 25th in St Leonards. That date is just after the Federal Budget and Grange Directors Diane Terzian and Duncan Barber will present for 20 minutes on 5 critical areas that all businesses MUST address to a) protect their assets from the tax man and creditors b) succession planning for the future and c) consider what will happen to your business if you are no longer around. KONA Group Managing Director Glenn Dobson will then present on How to Match Your Prospecting and Lead Generation to Your Clients Buying Journey. Following the two 20 minute presentations you will have the chance to network and meet new business contacts. The event will start at 6pm sharp until 8, and light refreshments will be provided. Please contact KONA Group on 1300 611 288 or by email at info@kona.com.au if you would like to attend as numbers are limited to 60 attendees.