Preparing New Sales Reps for Success: The Importance of Training After Coaching

Sales representatives are the people who have a significant influence on how the prospects will respond to each campaign you initiate, and more importantly, how your sales will perform in the long run.  

To ensure optimal results, your sales team must possess a number of skills, especially in the area of communication and relationship building. The best salespeople aren’t always the slickest talkers — they’re the most effective listeners.

Instead of doing all the talk and trying to stay one step ahead, an effective salesperson carefully listens to the client’s needs. As for your sales representatives, it also takes time of quality training for them to hone and utilise their skills efficiently.

In this article, we will discuss the importance and benefits of sales training after coaching that is very relevant for startup businesses and small businesses this 2019. Moreover, since 2019 seems to be a fast-growing year for different companies, here are the critical importance of coaching and sales training that you should consider:

Sales Training Supports Coaching 

Coaching and training go hand-in-hand, as training provides employees with the knowledge and techniques to develop their skills, while coaching helps instil these skills by assisting employees to apply them at work appropriately. By providing annual training for skills improvement, and then evaluating how well your sales team used what they’ve learned, you will be able to identify more effective ways to sustain productive training for your company.

Creates an Interactive Environment for Learning 

Once a preliminary training program is underway, push the agenda onward and upward. Begin by providing ongoing educational opportunities that keep your entire staff up to date on changing protocols, regulations and technologies. When employees are consistently offered opportunities to acclimate, grow and lead, they’re more satisfied with their work and committed to the organisation.

Boost Productivity

By helping your sales representatives to work smarter, they can better understand and balance their time during working hours. This also means that they are less likely to suffer from too much stress because they are more able to approach each task more strategically, thus providing them more time which they can spend on other self-enriching activities.

Improves Emotional Intelligence 

Emotional Intelligence (EI) is the capability of individuals to recognise their own emotions and those of others, discern between different feelings and label them appropriately. Guiding your sales reps with how they should balance their emotional understanding in times of crisis will shape them to be cooperative in solving a problem, rather than being incapable of coming up with certain sales issues.

It Helps Bring in New Clients and Appease Current Ones 

When combined with a rigorous training program, sales coaching has the added benefit of inspiring and motivating sales representatives to feel more comfortable about taking risks which can lead to big deals and clients. Great coaching can also improve your customer service which can, in turn, appease your clients and raise awareness about your business through word-of-mouth.

If you are looking for a professional sales training company that can help you prepare your sales representatives, contact KONA Customised Training and Consulting today to learn more about our different services that can help your company.