Are we speaking the language of our customers or are we alienating them?

What on earth does this mean? “Practitioners may find a need to infect tribal clusters with promotable opportunities. But you cannot promote “inspiring” – co-creation and crowdsouring are two way streets of collaboration with your audience with meaningful and authentic conversations. Define and perpetually redefine your messaging strategy, study the best, notice the guerilla granularity of ‘earned media’ and execute across multiple meshes of social networks, media formats and languages. I like to develop and grow user personas to draw flows of better understanding. As you map user peaks and troughs in conversions, working out retweet-worthiness, capture and retention lifecycles.” I recently found this discussion on LinkedIn on how using social media can improve your business which actually threw me for a loop.  I wondered if I had wandered into another galaxy where a new language had been created that I was not privy to.  Sort of like Avatar.  I am an expert in the field of relationship marketing, CRM, building profitable and sustainable customers through loyalty initiatives, but this made me feel like an alien in my own industry. Have you ever felt like that? Hopefully, this is industry speak and when we DO speak to our customers it is without jargon and in a way that makes them comfortable, builds rapport and engenders loyalty. The main purpose of any business is to find and keep customers.  Without customers you don’t have a business … and you don’t have a job.  The objective is to make your customers become sustainably loyal by offering an arrangement which has long term benefit for the customer… and is profitable for you. The social media mix is participating in a conversation and is thus a two-way, many-to-many unsanitized dialogue. What this is basically saying is the right message, delivered the right way, to the right audience will get the desired response. Follow the successful recognised niche leaders and your industry trend setters to get involved in social media.   @DonPeppers and @travSocialMedia The key is to start small and focus on innovation freshness and personal messaging style that is authentic and genuine with memorable brand-re-enforcing messages that respond to events and key value propositions customised to your audience.  Speak to them in their language and they will listen.