Is This the Best Act of Leadership in 2017 So Far

Is This the Best Act of Leadership in 2017 So FarIn this era of one sided Industrial Relations laws where ‘legislation treats employers as the enemy’ many managers are scared to hold their people accountable for the results they are being paid to achieve, in fear of an employee Activating a FWA Claim for unfair treatment. (When did the business world become so screwed up that demanding a sales person hits target in return for the car and salary they are being paid became wrong?) To compound this issue, the current buzz word in HR of ’empowerment’ has some managers stepping away from their responsibilities of developing and in-field coaching their teams. Too many are sitting behind their desks working on reactive problem solving tasks, and writing “extremely important reports”, while placating their own consciences with the cliché ‘my door is always open’, instead of coaching their people in the field or on-the-job. In this environment true Acts of Leadership are unfortunately few and far between. However I recently heard of an amazing ‘Act of Leadership’ from a financial planning organisation* that in over 16 years of running KONA’s Sales Training and Sales Management Training programs, we have never heard of a manager doing the same. This Act of Leadership was so simple in its doing but has been so powerful in its impact and outcomes. An employee was called into her managers office for her 6 monthly performance review, full of anticipation. She had been working hard and achieving all of her KPIs, as well as committing to her own career development by studying in the evenings, and was hopeful of a pay rise. As the manager went through her performance her excitement grew and when the manager got to the point where he gave her a substantial pay increase she was ecstatic and nearly jumped over the desk to hug him. Now at that point, most managers would feel that they had done their job and move onto the next task. However the manager then said “however as your manager I need to say how proud I am of you and your contribution to the company and therefore I would also personally like to offer you an additional $750 that I will pay out of my own bonus”. The subsequent impact has had a massive effect as the Act rippled through the organisation and their client base:
  • The employee has a renewed commitment to her employer and her manager.
  • Other employees are offering their 1st born in an attempt to work in the managers team. (Okay, maybe a slight exaggeration but you get my drift!)
  • The positive message has stimulated the company culture which is demonstrating what it means to be a true Employer of Choice.
  • And word has got out to Clients who are seeing the organisation as having a real point of difference.
Internal and external branding and marketing outcomes like that just can’t be bought for $750!!! So, regardless of your position in your organisation, what Act of Leadership are you going to demonstrate this month that will make a real difference? Alternatively, if you can match this Act of Leadership or have heard/experienced something better, we would love to hear from you and will happily promote your story and experience. Send your experience to or call on 1300 611 288. * By request the names of the employee, manager and organisation have been withheld however if you would like to discuss your personal finances with them please contact us and we are happy to share their details. The KONA Group is Australia’s Leading provider of Customised Sales Training and Sales Management Training and Coaching  and provide customised training programs that include: Sales Training & Coaching, Key Account Management Training, Call Centre Training & Coaching, Negotiation Skills Training & CoachingConference & Motivational Speakers,  HBDI and DiSC Personality Profiling and more. If you would like to discuss how KONA’s Sales TrainingSales Management Training and Call Centre Training will improve your organisation’s results, contact Glenn Dobson today on 1300 611 288 or or text 0425200883.