DISC Workshop

An Effective Communication Strategy for Sales Teams – DISC

In Sales, effective communication can often be the difference between sealing a deal and losing a client. While experience and product knowledge are vital, understanding how to communicate with different personalities may be just as important. This is where the DISC model becomes invaluable, offering sales teams a strong framework for tailoring their communication strategies to different client personalities.

DISC Profiling

What is DISC?

The DISC model categorizes human behaviour into four primary personality types:

Dominance (D) – Direct, results-oriented, assertive, and competitive.

Influence (I) – Social, enthusiastic, persuasive, and talkative.

Steadiness (S) – Supportive, patient, loyal, and cooperative.

Compliance (C) – Analytical, detail-oriented, precise, and systematic.

Each personality type prefers different forms of communication, which can greatly influence sales interactions. By understanding a client’s DISC type, a sales team can adjust its approach to meet the needs of the individual, enhancing rapport and increasing the likelihood of success.

Why DISC is Effective for Sales Teams

Sales is all about building trust, understanding needs, and creating solutions that resonate with the client. The DISC model supports these goals by encouraging sales professionals to:

Identify customer preferences: Knowing whether a customer is a “D” or an “S” can inform how you present information. A “D” will appreciate getting straight to the point and focusing on results, while an “S” may need reassurance and a more consultative approach.

Adapt communication style: A one-size-fits-all approach can miss the mark with many clients. DISC allows salespeople to shift between being data-driven, relationship-focused, or quick-decision influencers depending on the client’s personality.

Statistics on the Impact of DISC

The application of DISC in sales has shown significant promise. Studies indicate that understanding customer personality types can improve communication by 30-40%, resulting in more effective sales interactions. Further to this, teams trained in DISC tend to close 20-30% more deals because they tailor their approach to fit the communication style of their customers.

A 2020 study found that companies with strong communication strategies, including personality-based approaches like DISC, have 47% higher employee retention rates and are 36% more likely to report customer satisfaction rates above industry norms. For sales teams specifically, adapting to customer preferences can increase client retention by 28%. The numbers reflect just how vital effective communication is to overall business success.

KONA CEO Delivering a Workshop
KONA Group CEO, Garret Norris, delivering a DISC and Leadership Training Workshop.

Practical Application of DISC in Sales

Here’s how sales teams can leverage the DISC model during interactions:

Dominance (D): Be direct, focus on the bottom line, and avoid small talk. Highlight competitive advantages and how your product or service will help them achieve their goals efficiently.

Influence (I): Engage in casual conversation, emphasize the benefits and potential social impact of your product, and use anecdotes to paint a vivid picture. Keep the interaction dynamic and engaging.

Steadiness (S): Build a relationship by showing empathy and understanding. These clients appreciate stability, so ensure that your solution feels reliable and supportive. Take your time, and don’t rush the process.

Compliance (C): Provide detailed information, data, and logic. These clients want to understand the ins and outs of what they’re buying. Be patient as they analyse all the details, and make sure all their questions are thoroughly answered.

By incorporating the DISC model into their communication strategies, sales teams can connect more effectively with clients, create lasting relationships, and increase their overall success rate. Tailoring communication to individual personality types is no longer a “nice-to-have” but a necessity in the competitive market of 2024 and beyond. When sales professionals understand and respond to their clients’ DISC profiles, they are positioning themselves for sustained success in building trust and closing deals.

DISC Sample Graph
DISC Sample Graph

As the sales landscape continues to evolve, so must the techniques used to engage with clients. Implementing DISC is a powerful way to personalise communication, ensuring that sales teams speak their clients’ language and meet their unique needs. By combining the art of sales with the science of personality, salespeople can enhance their effectiveness, close more deals, and build strong client relationships.

Contact KONA today to discuss the benefits DISC Profiling and a tailored Sales Training Program can bring to your Sales Team.

Call 1300 611 288 or email info@kona.com.au

How do you find the best DISC profilers and educators? 

What Google search will give you the best results when looking for the DISC agency that will best suit your needs? 


When looking for the best DISC agency, you should consider the following factors: 

  1. Reputation and Reviews: Look for agencies with positive testimonials and high ratings from previous clients. Keywords: “best reviews”, “top DISC profile services”, “highly rated DISC assessment companies”. 
  2. Certification and Expertise: Ensure the DISC agency is certified to provide DISC assessments and has experienced professionals. Keywords: “certified DISC assessment providers”, “DISC assessment expert agencies”, “qualified DISC profile consultants”. 
  3. Customisation and Services Offered: Check if they offer customised solutions tailored to your specific needs, such as for individuals, teams, or organisations. Keywords: “custom DISC assessment services”, “tailored DISC profiles”, “DISC for team building”. 
  4. Support and Training: Look for agencies that offer comprehensive support and training to help you understand and implement the DISC assessment results effectively. Keywords: “DISC assessment training programs”, “supportive DISC profile services”, “DISC implementation support”. 
  5. Price and Packages: “There is hardly anything in the world that cannot be made a little worse and sold a little cheaper, and those who consider price alone are that man’s lawful prey.” This quote is often attributed to the British artist and poet, John Ruskin. Look for the “best value DISC assessments”. 

Sample search queries

  • DISC personality test 
  • DISC assessment  
  • DISC profile 
  • DISC personality 
  • DISC personality 
  • DISC test 
  • 3/ For users looking to understand the methodology and application of DISC  
  • DISC profiling 
  • DISC model 
  • “Best DISC assessment agencies” 
  • “Top-rated DISC profile providers” 
  • “Certified DISC assessment companies” 
  • “Customized DISC services for businesses” 

By focusing on these aspects, you’ll be able to find a DISC agency that meets your needs and delivers high-quality services. 

Google search

Factors to consider when looking for the best DISC agency

  1. Reputation and Reviews: Look for agencies with positive testimonials and high ratings from previous clients. Keywords: “best DISC assessment agency reviews”, “top DISC profile services”, “highly rated DISC assessment companies”. 
  2. Certification and Expertise: Ensure the agency is certified to provide DISC assessments and has experienced professionals. Keywords: “certified DISC assessment providers”, “DISC assessment expert agencies”, “qualified DISC profile consultants”. 
  3. Customisation and Services Offered: Check if they offer customized solutions tailored to your specific needs, such as for individuals, teams, or organizations. Keywords: “custom DISC assessment services”, “tailored DISC profiles”, “DISC for team building”. 
  4. Support and Training: Look for agencies that offer comprehensive support and training to help you understand and implement the DISC assessment results effectively. Keywords: “DISC assessment training programs”, “supportive DISC profile services”, “DISC implementation support”. 
  5. Price and Packages: Compare the pricing and packages offered by different agencies to ensure they fit within your budget. Keywords: “affordable DISC assessment services”, “cost-effective DISC profiles”, “best value DISC assessments”. 
Famous DISC examples

By focusing on these aspects, you’ll be able to find a DISC agency that meets your needs and delivers high-quality services. 

KONA, the DISC agency of choice, holds internationally recognised DISC accreditation, and is Australia’s leading DISC assessment provider.

Contact KONA today to discuss our DISC Training Programs and the benefits they can bring to your team.

Call 1300 611 288 or email info@kona.com.au

The DISC Model

Trends to leave behind in 2024 based on your DISC Personality type

DISC Personality Profiling.

DISC is the number 1 personality test used globally. Over 75% of the largest companies in the world use the DISC framework to understand why their teams behave the way they do, based on 4 behavioural pillars:

Dominance – How we respond to problems & challenges
Influence – How we respond to people & contact
Steadiness – How we respond to pace & consistency
Compliance – How we respond to procedures & constraints

Our New Year’s Resolutions are usually based on behaviours or aspects of ourselves that we want to change. Each of the four DISC personality types have a behaviour or trend they are generally known for. Sometimes, these behaviours work to our advantage, but sometimes, they can get in our way or hold us back.

2024 New Year

Here are four habits that are typical of each DISC personality type that should be left behind in 2024:

1. Over promising (I)

The “I” personality type (Influence) is known for saying “yes” to almost everything.
But while it’s great to make people happy when they get that answer, it can have the opposite effect if you are unable to deliver on those promises.
There are ways to say “No” without actually saying “No.”
Here are some other phrases you can try:

  • “That would be great, but it may not be possible right now. How about we try this ….?”
  • “Due to some prior engagements, I won’t be able to take on any additional tasks right now. But I would be able to do …….”
    Although it comes from a place of good intent, when you over promise and under deliver, you are setting yourself and your customer up for disappointment. Try to leave overpromising in 2023 and work on holding yourself to realistic standards.
Influence DISC Personality Type

2. Being too analytical and overthinking (C)

If you know someone who is extremely analytical and seems to overthink just about everything, chances are they are a high ‘C’ DISC personality.
This behaviour can be great in some aspects, but can also leave you feeling burnt-out or frustrated.
A good way to say goodbye to this behaviour in 2024 is to put a time limit on how long you can spend analysing before you make a decision.
Believe it or not, the outcome will still be as valuable as if you spent hours on it. Speed is important in most aspects of business in this day and age. So give it a try and see how you go! You may just be able to break the habit.

Compliance DISC Personality Type

3. Not being open to change (S)

Routines and structure are a big part of the ‘S’ style’s personality and way of working. They tend to embrace stability, predictability, and a slower pace. But, not being open to change or struggling to adapt to change can hinder the progress of your team.
Here are some strategies for individuals with an ‘S’ DISC personality type to become more open to change in the new year:

  • Consider the benefits of the change
  • Start small
  • Focus on the positives
  • Seek information
  • Reflect on past positive experiences with change
Steadiness DISC Personality Type

4. Trying too hard to be in control (D)

The ‘D’ (Dominance) personality style typically likes to be in control. It may be hard to read this if you are a ‘D’ personality style yourself, but the first step for letting go of control is to find ways to delegate some of that control to others.
The second step is to then accept it if someone does something differently to how you would do it.
Having too much control can limit your effectiveness. It will be difficult at the start, but once you adjust yourself, you will see the benefits that come with letting go of some of your control.

Dominance DISC Personality Type

Remember, these trends are generalised and don’t necessarily apply to everyone. It’s important to understand individual preferences and adapt strategies accordingly.

Are you looking to organise a fun and interactive learning experience for your team in 2024?

DISC Workshop Interactive Exercise

Promote team cohesion and reveal valuable insights into your team’s behaviours, preferences, challenges and strengths with a KONA DISC Workshop.

Contact KONA to learn more about our DISC Profiling Workshops!
Call 1300 611 288 or Email info@kona.com.au

The DISC Model

How to Recognise DISC Profiles of Others. What Strategies to use when Interacting Effectively With Each Type

Table of Contents

Ask Questions – Clues to Their DISC Profile

As part of our workshops, we talk about the “ice breaking” conversation and how it can be a massive waste of time.

Instead, you can ask questions, and notice things that may give you an insight into the person and their potential profile.

For example, asking questions about what one does on holiday, or to keep fit – can be a clue.

DISC stands for Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Compliance.

If someone likes to go to different places and rock climb or scuba dive on holiday they may well be a high D (Adventurous).

Equally if someone likes to return to the same destination every year as it’s familiar, they may be a high S (Steady).

Also, while FAR from scientific, you can observe what car the person drives:


Effective communication and interpersonal skills are crucial for success in both personal and professional spheres. DISC assessments reveal important insights into behaviours that affect communication and interpersonal skills.

DISC Profiling System

One powerful tool to enhance our understanding of human behaviour and communication styles is the DISC profiling system.

DISC is a widely used behavioural assessment tool that categorises individuals into four primary personality types:

  1. Dominance
  2. Influence
  3. Steadiness
  4. Compliance

Learn more about DISC profiling at: DISC Personality Test – KONA

Each DISC profile offers unique insights into how people think, how they act, and how they interact with others.

In this blog, we’ll explore how you can recognise the DISC profiles of others and adopt effective strategies to communicate with each type.

Identifying DISC Profiles:

a) Dominance (D): People with a dominant personality are typically assertive, decisive, and results-oriented.

They are driven by challenges and tend to be direct and straightforward in their communication. They appreciate efficiency, and time is of the essence for them.

b) Influence (I): Individuals with an influential profile are social, outgoing, and enthusiastic.

They thrive on building relationships and enjoy being the centre of attention. They are natural communicators and love to inspire others.

c) Steadiness (S): People with a steady personality are patient, empathetic, and team-oriented.

They value stability and harmony and prefer a consistent and predictable environment. They are great listeners and tend to avoid conflicts.

d) Compliance (C): Those with a compliance profile are analytical, detail-oriented, and focused on accuracy.

They seek precision and quality in their work and decision-making. They are systematic and prefer a methodical approach.

DISC assessments reveal important insights into behaviours that affect communication and interpersonal skills.
Dominance DISC Personality Style.

Strategies for Effective Interactions for each DISC Profile

Communicating with Dominant (D) Personalities:

  • Be direct and concise in your communication
  • Focus on solutions and outcomes
  • Show respect for their time and get to the point quickly
  • Avoid excessive small talk and stick to the main points
  • Acknowledge their accomplishments and competence
Influence DISC Personality style.

Communicating with Influence (I) Personalities:

  • Be friendly, enthusiastic, and open to social interactions
  • Listen actively and show genuine interest in their stories
  • Provide positive feedback and encouragement
  • Avoid being overly serious or too focused on facts and figures
  • Involve them in group activities and allow them to express their ideas
Steadiness DISC Personality style.

Communicating with Steadiness (S) Personalities:

  • Be patient, supportive, and empathetic
  • Create a warm and friendly atmosphere to build trust
  • Allow them time to process information and make decisions
  • Avoid aggressive or confrontational behaviour
  • Show appreciation for their contributions and teamwork
Compliance DISC Personality style.

Communicating with Compliance (C) Personalities:

  • Be well-prepared and provide detailed information
  • Focus on logic, data, and evidence to support your points
  • Give them time to analyse and think before making decisions
  • Avoid excessive pressure or rushing them into choices
  • Acknowledge their expertise and attention to detail

Understanding the DISC Profiles of Others

Understanding the DISC profiles of others can significantly improve your ability to communicate effectively and build strong relationships.

By recognising the central traits of individuals and employing the appropriate strategies, you can create harmonious and productive interactions.

Remember that people are unique, and while the DISC system provides valuable insights, it’s essential to remain open-minded and adaptable in your approach to effectively connect with others.

Developing these skills will undoubtedly lead to more meaningful connections and success in various aspects of life.

So, take the initiative to understand yourself and others better through the DISC framework, and watch your relationships flourish.

Click here to download a sample report: DISC Personality Test – KONA

Contact KONA today to discuss how DISC Profiling can benefit your business.

Call 1300 611 288 or Email info@kona.com.au