Embrace Sales Technology Before You Become Obsolete

Embrace Sales Technology Before You Become Obsolete

I met with a very experienced sales person recently who had left his organisation after 16 years employed to go into business for himself.

Last time he had been self-employed was back in the late 90’s, and he had been highly successful, so expected to pick up from where he had left off.

Unfortunately, despite all of his experience and ambition, after 9 months in Sales and Business Development he is struggling because he hasn’t adjusted to how the ‘New World of Sales and Technology’ are aligned.

Technology has a tendency to evolve far quicker than people, and as customers become more tech savvy and organisations more dependent on technology, far too many underperforming sales people are still burying their heads in the sand and not embracing it.

So here are just some of the ways technology is changing organisation’s sales processes and the dangers of getting left behind.

Prospecting is Warmer Today

When the KONA Group was founded 17 years ago prospecting was basically getting a copy of yellow pages, picking up the phone and making a 100 telephone Cold Calls a day to secure 10 appointments.

Locating prospects that would meet with you, never mind prove to be profitable, was a challenging task to say the least, and not for the faint hearted!

However, with the introduction of new technologies, sales people have access to a wide range of customer information online that will turn a Cold Call into a Warm Call, as long as they are willing to use it! (Check out 427 Reasons Why Cold Calling is Not Dead)

Linked In

Sales people and Sales Managers who still see Linked In as a digital recruitment tool and somewhere to post their CV online in the hope that they will receive job offers need to smarten up.

While HR and recruiters might be interested in which school you went to and what tasks you have completed to keep your job over the years, your Linked In profile should be about what you do for your clients and customers, and the outcomes you have achieved for them.

What have you saved and reduced; increased and grown; improved and prevented, for your customers and clients? Then use that as the start of your profile (While not perfect, here is an example that highlights results and outcomes rather than day to day tasks https://www.linkedin.com/in/glenndobsonsalescoach).

How many recommendations do you have?

How many endorsements?

How many quality high level and influential contacts do you have (Note it is important not to treat Linked In like a 16-year-old who is desperate to be ‘liked’ would treat Facebook. While a minimum quantity of LI connections is important, quality must be the focus).

Check out some of the profiles of your colleagues/team. How many are Customer Centric and how many are just Online Resumes?

Build a Profile

When a potential supplier calls a prospective Decision Maker, you can often hear the sound in the background of a key board tapping, as the prospect types the caller’s name into Google.

Immediately Gatekeeper Filter # 1 occurs as the Decision Maker starts to check out your credibility as they want to know what differentiates you from the crowd.

If you can only be found by a weak Linked In profile (and God forbid a few drunken images of you at last month’s Bucks/Hens night) then straight away you are potentially self-sorting yourself out of the mix.

Build a profile with links to updates, articles, blogs, videos, opinions and lots more, all relevant to your target market. Create links to Industry Websites and join Industry Groups then contribute.

Big Data is in the Lead

In today’s business environment, the more you know about your customer and client’s market, the better your chances of winning are.

Big data has bridged that gap and successful sales teams are embracing it for good reason. The sales advantage they can get depends mostly on their ability to capture, manage and evaluate that massive amount of information without getting overwhelmed in the process.

This is where technology that can process big data comes into the picture. Using analytical tools that are designed specifically for this purpose, your sales personnel can get Customer Insights into the buying behaviours of your target clients.

What was once a labour-intensive task can now be completed in minutes as now your staff can prospect for potential leads without waiting ages for the results.

Customer Insight Analytics can also help your business determine exactly which customers should be targeted and how to use their profiles to your advantage.

The ability to do so can help you determine which ones are similar to one another and which ones respond best to certain marketing campaigns or messages.

In other words, it will allow your sales team to focus their efforts to get fast and accurate insights on what customers are doing. It will also help them in creating activities that can attract more customers.

Cloud based CRM Technology

Gone are the days when Sales Pipelines only had a narrow window to qualify customers with. With Customer Relationship Management solutions, they are now able to acquire a bird’s eye view of their relationships by integrating sales, customer support, distribution and marketing tools.

Cloud based CRM solutions are designed to take Key Account Management to a completely new level to provide fast and accurate insights on what customers are attracted to and when they are most likely to make purchases.

With upgraded and relevant information at their fingertips, your sales team will be a force to be reckoned with as long as the people who are expected to use it, i.e. the sales team, are involved in the selection of the CRM and not just left to the Marketing Department and IT people to make the choice.

And the outstanding thing of Cloud Based CRMs such as Pipedrive is that they won’t break the bank and can start from as low as only $20 a month.

Final Thought:

Sales People and Sales Managers don’t need to be ‘propeller heads’ and understand how every megabite, encryption, hashtag, ping, router, VoIP, etc works.

However, they must adopt New Sales Technology quickly before they are left behind and replaced.

Going Forward:

If you are looking to increase the effectiveness and results of your Sales Team, contact KONA today on 1300 611 288, text 0425200883 or email info@kona.com.au to discuss how we can help you to improve your organisation’s results.

In addition, if you want to receive a FREE Sales Capability Assessment for your organisation, email The KONA Group today on info@kona.com.au

The KONA Group trains and coaches 1,000s of Sales People and Managers a year and is Australia’s Leading Sales and Sales Management Training and Coaching company and provide customised training programs that include: Sales Training & CoachingKey Account Management TrainingCall Centre Training & coachingNegotiation Skills Training & CoachingMotivational Speakers, and more.

8 Tools that make Online Profiles an Executive Decision, by David Coe

Social media is transforming the way the big end of town communicates with professional and retail investors, fund managers, the media and market commentators. Smart executives are realising how to take advantage of this trend to build their online presence and achieve their career objectives. As the buy and sell sides increasingly adopt social media, smart executives are joining the conversations, raising their profile, and expanding their networks. They are connecting with people who can help them professionally. Some of the most important developments in Australia and overseas that are driving major corporations to use social media are:
  • Bloomberg now pumps Twitter messages on equities, currencies, commodities and bonds to the desktops of professional investors, brokers, analysts and the media
  • The ASX requires companies to be aware of what is being said about them on social media so they can respond appropriately
  • 62% of UK brokers and heads of trading desks says social media is influencing share prices
  • The New York Stock Exchange is giving tips to companies on how to use social media to engage investors
  • 66% of business journalists have written stories based on social media.
If you are looking for opportunities at the big end of town, hang out where they do. When you are there, it is important to know what channels to use because building a strong online presence is a lot more than getting likes on Facebook. Different forms of social media are suited to different uses and different types of information. When you make the most of their individual strengths, your efforts have maximum impact and you reach more of the people who can help you achieve your career goals. You do not need to use all of them and should use only those ones that will reach your target audiences. LinkedIn: When someone wants to find out more about you and types your name into Google, your LinkedIn profile most likely to head the results. That’s why the starting place for a strong online presence is your LinkedIn profile. Twitter has become the social media channel of choice for the financial markets. It is used by brokers, analysts, fund manager, SMSF investors, and business journalists. It may be restricted to 140 characters but this makes it ideal for headline-type announcements and alerts. YouTube is more than a site for videos. It is now a giant search engine owned by Google. Be found here for your area of expertise and you take a powerful step forward in your authority. Facebook allows sharing and commentary, which in turn creates a community among followers. It is best for consumer brands and suburban businesses to engage customers. Other channels are more appropriate for building professional authority. Pintrest is ideal for newsworthy graphs and information graphics. If you have data, create graphics to tell the story. Slideshare hosts presentations for others to find. When you give a presentation, post a copy here with a link from your website. Flickr hosts photos of your annual meeting, investor days and other events you want to capture visually. Smartphones mean that people can carry the internet in their pocket so be smart and build a powerful online presence to take advantage of the technology we take for granted.

By David Coe