5 Ways Poor Leadership Impacts Your Business

scott morrison interview with anabelle crab with caption of him saying "I've learnt not to care"

“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. The true neighbour will risk his position, his prestige, and even his life for the welfare of others. Where do we stand as leaders? Do our leaders stand for the welfare of others through this difficult time?” – Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

Impact of a Leader that does not care

Leaders who don’t care for their team members are adding tremendous costs to their organisation. And most often, it is the people on the front lines who are blamed. Additionally, they are blamed for being disengaged, for low productivity, and for lack of loyalty (that is, turnover).

The most direct result of poor leadership is poor Sales. And as we know, in the Sales industry low productivity means missed targets. Consequently, this has a direct impact on a Salesperson’s individual performance and KPI. But more so, on the company’s overall financial gains.

For Your Team’s Leadership Training and Charter Development

Effects of Poor Leadership

Poor Leadership has devastating effects on any team but particularly on a Sales team. Why? Because a Leader is so much more than just a figurehead. Ultimately, a Leader has a massive impact on the core belief system of the wider team.

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Anyone who holds a position of authority has the responsibility to ensure all team members are working together towards a collective goal.

Leaders are a valuable part of any business because they determine the pace and progress of work. However, compassion and understanding while striving towards these goals have never been more important.

Based on that, poor Leadership becomes a massive liability. Many are of the belief that Leadership is “so easy”… all you have to do is tell others what to do. But that thinking is quickly quashed when faced with the reality of leading.

The actions of a poor Leader is more than missed targets, it can destroy the entire culture of a company.

Poor Leadership can bring down the entire organisation single-handedly.

Now we don’t know what we don’t know. But once we are made aware, it is up to us as Leaders to adopt change and grow. Grow from our experiences, grow from what we are being told, grow from our mistakes. Poor Leaders can change – if they want to!

Spotting poor leadership early will help you to pivot in the right direction. Here are 5 Ways Poor Leadership Impacts Your Business.

For Your Team’s Leadership Training and Charter Development

1. Loss of Motivation to work

Poor leadership can have a negative impact on the performance and morale employees.

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Ultimately, commitment levels will plummet, and there will be little to no motivation to attend to their tasks. Additionally, employees will have no creative energy, or desire, to come up with innovative ideas. Their drive to contribute to company growth will wane and eventually expire.

2. Poor Sales Performance

As mentioned, one of the most direct results of poor leadership is dwindling Sales. Adding to point number one, employees will lose all mojo to perform their best if they feel their Leader is lacking in interest. And in Sales, poor performance ultimately means missed KPIs and low productivity.

7 Impressive Ways to Regain Lost Motivation at Work | Small Revolution

Also, poor leaders do not fully maximise their staff members. They typically lack the necessary capacity to evaluate their employees’ strengths and weaknesses. Because of this, these employees are assigned roles that don’t bring out their strengths. This factor alone is detrimental to the company long-term.

3. Lack of Ownership and Transperancy

A strong leader is able to instil the value of ownership across all departments to each employee. On the other hand, a bad leader makes people feel indifferent to taking responsibility over their own roles within the company. Subsequently, a Leader’s “I don’t really care” mentality trickles down to all employees.

Poor leaders also have the tendency of failing to be transparent to their employees. The KONA Group Coaching Program teaches and believes that honesty is an integral trait of a great leader. It is core to the Leadership framework and is top line in the development of Leadership Charters.

leadership charter list

4. Mismanaged Resources

Sales is not the only company function impacted by poor leadership. It can affect others as well. Time and costs also suffer as a result of poor leadership. Put simply, a lot of time ends up getting wasted correcting the wrong calls made by a bad leader or a mismanaged employee.

For Your Team’s Leadership Training and Charter Development

5. Poor Work Culture

Poor leadership, combined with low morale, will create a negative workplace environment.

This means that even workers who were not originally affected by the initial issues can become “infected” by this negative environment.

This low morale gradually spreads to all areas of the company. Remember, the trickle down affect of poor leadership?

Evaluating Poor Leadership

There is no room for poor leadership in any organisation. What is the quality of the Leadership in your company?

If you are a Sales Leader, take time to reflect on how you can challenge your own ideas about what it means to be a great Leader. Moreover, actively work to ensure that you are enabling your team to be as effective as possible.

Also, take a step back and think about KPIs impacted by Leadership. This includes turnover and growth. Is turnover high? Are new employees leaving after a short tenure? Are tenured employees leaving after years of loyalty? These types of questions may open some uncomfortable doors but are so important for both your growth as a Leaders (and person), as well as employee and company growth. Analysing your own Leadership ability and that of your peers enables your company to recruit effectively, as well as retain those very employees that make your company successful.

clipart image of a ship with an iceberg below it with text Evaluating Poor Leadership KONA Group Leadership Training Identifying Unseen Symptoms of Poor Leadership

For more information about Leadership Training and Coaching, contact us to invest in your growth, on 1300 611 288 for a confidential conversation, or email info@kona.com.au anytime.


3 Big Questions for Sales Leaders in Difficult Times

the thinker statue posing, also wearing a surgical pandemic mask for covid safety It has been just over 12 months since the powers that be declared COVID-19 as a global pandemic. And even a year on, despite Australia’s pandemic position compared to the rest of the world, we are still feeling the shock waves. Whether your company is large or small, whether you have experienced serious disruptions in your business or managed to avoid them, if you are a company leader, it is likely that the last year has taken a lot out of you. And, it is okay to acknowledge that. It is also okay to congratulate your team – and yourself – for still being in the game. Once you have acknowledged reality and issued those congratulations, take the time to address three powerful questions. These three questions are inspiring, motivating, and transforming. We know this because they are the same questions we have asked a multitude of teams we work with delivering tailored Sales training across APAC. Consequently, it is these three questions that have resulted in a mindset shift in Sales teams, and in turn smashing their KPIs. The answers you give to the three questions will help you maintain momentum as you emerge from these challenging times. Doers Vs Thinkers and how that affects Efficiency

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Stay Ahead of Your Competition with Tailored Sales Training

Question 1: How Healthy are Your Pipelines, and What Can You Do to Make Them Healthier?
Because of the pandemic, many Sales teams are still finding online lead-generation efforts difficult. As a result, teams are struggling to strengthen their prospecting muscle. Consequently, the skill of maintaining customer rapport has diminished. Never has it been so important to teach your Salespeople how to develop stronger relationship-creation behaviours. This performance gap may have emerged after a long period of time when the prospecting process was minimal or even dormant. Alternatively, they may have gone unnoticed while the pipeline was still plentiful. However, the longer the problem remains unaddressed, the more serious the consequences for your team’s KPI – and yours!

Image of a clipart man and woman standing above a sales pipeline funnel with coins and arrows flowing in

Question 2: Has Your Organisation Turned the Corner on Remote Selling?
Is your Sales team still struggling to maintain mojo? Are they struggling to sell on a virtual platform still? Or worse yet, are they falling victim to work from home distractions? 5 Questions to Assess Sales Pipeline Health Virtual and digital selling are here to stay. However, many Salespeople are not equipped to succeed in this new environment. Without the right training, reinforcement, and tools, they are finding that access and engagement with buyers is more and more challenging. If there are skill gaps in this area you are in trouble. Moreover, if the resources and strategies you are sharing with your Sales team are basically the same as the ones you had at the start of 2019, then you are officially at a competitive disadvantage. A lot of Sales has moved to online platforms, is your team up-to-date?  

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Stay Ahead of Your Competition with Tailored Sales Training

Question 3: What are you, Personally, Doing to Help Protect Key Customer Relationships?
Pay close attention. Your key customers are seeing more of your competitors these days! And your competitors, in the current environment, are pulling out all the stops to secure their business. Contact with key relationships needs to be nurtured and secured. And ultimately, a C-level to C-level contact is one of the best ways to secure them. You personally need to be close to your most precious accounts. It should be a top priority to work with your Sales team’s pipeline. Also, consider taking part in regular business-review meetings with key relationships. 6 Techniques To Improve How You Sell To C-Level Executives | C-Level

Put simply, keep working on that emotional connection with your client – you know your competition is!

  To Stay Ahead of Your Competition and Update Your Team’s Selling Behaviour contact KONA for Tailored Sales Training on 1300 611 288 for a confidential conversation, or email info@kona.com.au anytime.   LAURETTE WITH HOPE IS NOT A STRATEGY ON IT FOR KONA GROUP SALES TRAINING SALES HEALTH CHECK