6 Essential Skills Needed in a Post Lockdown Workplace

mans hand holding a black suitcase and disposable mask in the new world of business skills

As most of Australia emerges from lockdown, we are left to work out what a COVID workforce will be moving forward.

There is a lot that is unknown, however, one thing is certain, things will never go back to being exactly the way they were BC, you know, before COVID.

The way in which we work is one of the many changes resulting from a pandemic world. And as such we now find that our core business skillsets need to also be adapted. There are 6 Business Skills Needed in a Post Lockdown Workplace that your team will need to adopt to succeed in the aftermath of a pandemic.

business skills women doing yoga on her desk

The world was already evolving rapidly BC, and the pandemic just accelerated it. Whatever the catalyst is for change, change has occurred, and we need to accept and adapt to it being the norm.

The need for meetings has not changed, but what has changed is the acceptance and flexibility we are affording one another when it comes to how we conduct them. To succeed in this new world we are in, we will need to be able to adapt to an ever-evolving workplace. Additionally, we will need to have the ability to continuously update and refresh our communication skills.

How to Make Your Business More Tech Savvy

One of the best ways to prepare yourself and your team for change is to acquire skills that keep you ahead of the game. The pandemic fast-tracked digital transformations in companies to a level and a speed that was never before seen. The reality is advancements in technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, the Internet of Things, virtual and augmented reality, and robotics will make businesses more resilient to future disruptions. And any team or business that can adapt to new technologies will be in a great position.


Creativity At Work: 6 Ways To Encourage Innovative Ideas - Barking Up The Wrong Tree

We have already seen the importance of creativity and innovation during the pandemic. Businesses that have been able to come up with ways to deliver services virtually or quickly shift to new products have been able to better weather the storm. In this brave new world we are in, we need human ingenuity to invent and dream up new products to be prepared for the “next thing”. Human creativity is going to be essential, particularly in managing our key accounts. That is, we need to step outside the square and look at how we continue to offer value solutions through creative thinking.

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To Book Your Team’s Tailored Business Skills in the New World Workshop

Read A MORE Personalised Leadership Style? Online

To succeed in today’s new world, Leaders need to be empathetic and adopt a personalised approach to managing individuals within a team. A Personalised Leadership Development plan is what helps turn a manager into a Leader. A Personlised Leadership Framework begins by developing a strategic growth plan. That is, one that outlines both short and long-term plans. By developing this style of Leadership Framework, an individual is able to increase skills, knowledge, and experience through layered learnings. And additionally, Leaders will be able to build positive mental reinforcements as well as create a firm foundation of leadership ability.



Intricately linked to Leadership is another skill that is even more important in uncertain and challenging times. That is, Emotional Intelligence (EQ).

Fundamentally, the ability to be aware of, express, and control our emotions and be aware of others’ emotions is what emotional intelligence is all about. At times when people might feel uncertain about their job and the future of their business, it is key to connect with people. That is, on an emotional level.

Individuals with strong EQ will be coveted by organisations of all sizes and in all industries.

Throughout the Work From Home stages, we have been measuring Leaders’ EQ and coaching them on how they best navigate through these times. As we move post-COVID life, it is this type of measurement and forward thinking by leaders that will become mainstream.


According to the World Economic Forum, in just five years, 35 percent of the skills deemed essential today will change. There’s only one way to remain relevant in an ever changing world: commit to a lifetime of learning.

When faced with a tight job market, professionals with advanced and expert job skills will still be in demand. Additionally, they will likely struggle less to find employment.

With so many learning options available these days, people are often tempted to simply go to Google, type in some general search terms, and start one of the first courses that pops up. That’s a waste of time. Job requirements are quickly evolving. To ensure relevance, you need to focus on learning the latest emerging skills.

Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets.'' Leonardo Da Vinci - 1076x1023: QuotesPorn

The good news is that improving your skills has never been easier with KONA’s Business Skills in the New World Workshop. It can be virtual or face to face, we customise all the learnings to your team’s needs and challenges.

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To Book Your Team’s Tailored Business Skills in the New World Workshop

Call us at KONA on 1300 611 288 for a conversation, or email info@kona.com.au anytime.


Does Your Sales Team Need an Update? Top 8 Sales Competencies.


Had an update lately? Apple updates its operating systems on a regular basis. As does Samsung, Office 365 and so on and so on. Why? Basically, to fix something that is dated, to add new information, or to simply make for a superior product. Most of these updates occur automatically and without fanfare. But, when an update advances to the next level – from 14.0 to 15.0 – it is a big deal. Moreover, it also means significant advances in features, stability, security, and usability. This leaves you – the customer – excited, satisfied, and wanting more!

Excited, satisfied and wanting more? And all it took was an update?!

Well then, does it not stand to reason, if we updated our Sales Competencies our customers too will be excited, satisfied, and wanting more?

Excellent Salespeople will have a specific set of core Sales Competencies. And it is their Leader’s job to ensure these Sales Competencies are refined and renewed. How? By regularly updating their skills, performance methods and top of the list Sales Competencies. These competencies are both inherent traits to their behaviours as well as skills that can be trained, practiced, and once again, updated. Understanding what these select proficiencies are, how they contribute to a Salesperson’s success, and how to recognise them in your team will make a significant difference. Namely, pumping up their pipeline and boosting overall ROI.
Whether they are converting inbound sales calls, fighting it out in the field or managing from behind the front-lines, Sales professionals need a particular set of foundational skills. Below is a list of the Top 8 Sales Competencies your Sales Team should be receiving regular updates in.


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Top 8 Sales Competencies

1. Prospecting
Finding a customer’s pain points and needs in the marketplace keeps the pipeline full of potential customers for new business. It’s essential to update your Prospecting Style. This can be from how you research your customers, how to uncover their desires, as well as new was to define the ideal customer profile.

customer pain points clipart mosaic

2. Upselling
Strong Salespeople are able to identify opportunities for expansion revenue. For Sales Managers, this means observing their Sales team under a microscope. That is, updating their account management processes, active listening skills, quality questioning techniques and customer rapport strategies. trolley with bar graph and arrow going up in it for sales competencies  
3. Time Management
Self-management is a significant factor influencing success in Sales. This has never been more so than in this current work from home environment. Do your Salespeople know how to maintain their mojo and time management skills while working from home? It is crucial for both the Salesperson and their Manager to have a Sales Process in place, keep to task and stay on a schedule. Equally as important, is ensuring these attributes are regularly measured and – updated!

man with head in his hands at computer with two post it notes with eye sketch drawings overing his eyes

4. Proper Planning
An update for planning skills is essential. This is because it shows how your Sales team intends to accomplish their goals. Effective Planners know the end goal and plan around achieving those goals. But even plans need updating. Does your Sales team know how to:
  • Breakdown their time?
  • Reverse Plan?
  • Record progress and results?
  • Calculate Time Spent on Quality Conversations?

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5. Accountability
When it comes to Sales Competency, the tools to use to measure your Salespeople’s actions and results is a huge predictor of success. Salespeople who make it second nature to “own it”, that is take responsibility for their actions, grow both their skills as well as the organisation’s value and productivity. honesty is an expensive gift don't expect it from cheap people warren buffet quote  
6. Build the Emotional Contract
Updating how your Salespeople and Managers emotionally engage with their customers is vital. Do your Salespeople know how to:
  • Help their customers through the buying process?
  • Understand how to ease their customer into a comfortable conversation?
  • Communicate effectively, and efficiently?
  • Establish trust and gain a commitment?
  • Know when to speak and when to stay quiet?
clipart customer service man with headset at desk and laptop with a heart shape in his hand  
7. Drive Decisions
Sales is about getting people to buy, so knowing how to encourage people to make a purchase is crucial. But first, your Salespeople need to know why people buy. And this “why” changes overtime. How will your Sales team know why their customers buy, without regular updates into their customer’s needs? Does your Sales Team need to update its Why Statement? kona group why statement model  
8. Emotional Intelligence
A vital Sales Competency of successful Salespeople is possessing a high Emotional Intelligence. That is, knowing how to manage their feelings as well as the feelings of other people. Controlling emotions requires clear self-awareness as well as self-confidence. But it also requires the skill of knowing how to “read” their customer’s behaviour. Updating your Salespeople’s understanding of others teaches them how to look for crucial cues. Ultimately, it provides them with a tool kit to “read” the behaviour of their customer throughout the entire sales relationship. EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE A CORE SALES COMPTENTECIES   To UPDATE YOUR TEAM’S SALES COMPETENCIES Call KONA on 1300 611 288 for a conversation, or email info@kona.com.au anytime.   hope is not a business strategy hbb group kona sales training

What Is Your Selling Style?

what is your selling style?

Your Selling Style has a massive impact on your Sales outcomes. A Selling Style is how you connect with the customer. Basically, how your actions impact and influence the customer’s decision making.

It is important to know the type of Salesperson you are. The primary reason for this is, once you step outside your comfort zone you are no longer in control. In other words, when you divert away from your natural operating style you become uncomfortable and therefore less efficient in your sales.

Bearing in mind we all have our own Selling Style, the question is, should Salespeople use the same approach with all their customers?

No! In our experience, the best Salespeople vary their “Selling Style” depending on the other person and the situation. Yes, questioning and listening, asking for the order, and product knowledge are all important. But equally, is knowing when to use each of these skills and techniques. That is what is known as Selling Style Flexibility.

Which of the 4 Selling Styles are You?

1. Repair Person

The Repairperson is technical by nature. These people won’t sell but they will talk “technical”.

The repairperson loves to help people and may end up making a sale, but with one caveat. The people they are dealing with have to be technical in nature, just like them. This is because they tend to be at their best when talking with someone in their same discipline. That is customers who are often engineers, accountants, computer analysts, or other technical professionals. Speaking with someone like-minded gives them a chance to demonstrate their excellent technical abilities and “repair” the other person’s problem.

The Repairperson Sales Style is technical by nature. These people won’t sell but they will talk “technical”.

Do you know how to manage the different selling styles of your salespeople?

Find out your Salespeople’s Selling Style with a KONA Group Team Assessment!

2. Hunter

Hunters thrive on seeking out new opportunities, opening new doors, and looking for the next opportunity. Their eyes and minds are always on the horizon looking for the neat kill. They are the best type to have around when your sales funnel is empty because of their “go and get ‘em” mentality.

When times are tight and Sales opportunities are at a low, the Hunter will forge into new Sales territories and find new opportunities. In good times, Hunters need to learn how to harness their drive and energy, so they farm their accounts and opportunities rather than always seeking out new prey. Hunters are decisive, bold, and blunt in their efforts to close a Sale.

person with binoculars clipart for selling styles hunter


Find out your Salespeople’s Selling Style with a KONA Group Team Assessment. Contact Us Today.

3. Shopkeeper

The Shopkeeper has a pleasant personality and delights in helping people. These people like to be of service and helping others is their strong suit. The can often be found in retail, catalogue sales, or inbound tele-marketing. Shopkeepers feel they must be liked and respected by their prospects and may come across as being overly friendly. Shopkeepers are best suited for inside sales and putting them on the road is usually a mistake.

When it comes to sales techniques, the Shopkeeper does not like to be perceived as being pushy or aggressive and would prefer to make friends with customers than jeopardise the relationship by assertively moving the sale along to a conclusion. Shopkeepers don’t make a Sale – they wait for the customer to buy. Because of this, closing doesn’t come easy for the Shopkeeper.



Find out your Salespeople’s Selling Style with a KONA Group Team Assessment.

4. Farmer

Farmers thrive on nurturing and maintaining accounts or opportunities. Once given a Sales lead, these people spring into action, make contacts, burrow their way into the account, and work it.

Farmers often go out of their way to help customers because they believe in the value of maintaining an ongoing relationship with the customer.

Unlike the Hunter, Farmers are not galvanised into action by a sales slump. Once someone opens the door and the Sale, the Farmer will take it over and run with it. Smart Farmers realise this and will seek out assistance when their sales fields go barren.

male and female farmers


Find out your Salespeople’s Selling Style today with a KONA Group Team Assessment.

Call 1300 611 288 for a confidential conversation.

Alternatively, you can email info@kona.com.au anytime!

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Is your team due for a Sales Health Check in preparation for a productive 2021?

A Sales Health Check is an objective review of your Sales team. It highlights potential weaknesses in your team and strategy, but also builds on your areas of strength and growth.

With the challenges faced by the pandemic , how healthy is your team’s Sales capability?  Let’s think of COVID as a pot of boiling water. Now think of the egg and potato analogy. The same boiling water that softens the potato, also hardens the egg. Who in your team has come out of the pandemic soft and who has come out hard? Surely having resilient employees would be of great benefit and value to any organisation?

Hard Egg Soft Potato Image for Resilience Training


  A Sales Health Check, like all health checks, is crucial for your business’ optimal growth. Strong Leaders conduct Sales Health Checks often and that is the difference between exponential growth and remaining stagnant. Consider these 5 Sales Health Check Factors:



  • Do you have a Sales strategy that outlines, applies and measures daily activities for your team?
  • Is your team’s current activity mapped to SMART goals with Effective Communication?
  • Does your Sales team make use of multiple channels to generate leads?
  • Do they have absolute clarity around the profile of their customer? Do they understand their Customer’s DNA Profile?
  • Have you clearly articulated to your team the company’s point of difference when compared to your competitors?
  • What is your company’s Value Proposition?

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  • Do your Salespeople follow an Effective Pipeline Management procedure? That is, do they know the number of visits, contacts, leads, prospects and customers they need each month, every month, to hit KPI?
  • What online presence do you have? How effective and up to date is it?
  • Do you have a current corporate page for LinkedIn?
  • Do you share posts on your LinkedIn page weekly?
  • What message is your team’s individual LinkedIn Profiles saying about the brand?
  • Do you publish a blog regularly and directly on your site? (a minimum of once per week)
  • Is every blog optimised for keywords and features a compelling call to action? If not, then get your company to POP out online and contact the KONA Group 1300 833 574 | info@KONA.com.au to get your Powerful Online Presence Training ASAP.

laptop with words Powerful Online Presence with KONA logo and man dialling mobile number 1300 833 574



  • Do your Salespeople know how to map the journey their prospects will take through the buying process?
  • Do they know how to have engaging conversations on the phone, as well as face to face?
  • Are they mastering the art of Effective Questioning to reach their customer’s pain points?
  • What are their listening skills like? Huh? Are they listening to their customers, or just hearing them?

llama clipart black and white image with sunglasses on saying I hear you I'm just not listening




Think, are your Salespeople:

  • Struggling to meet KPIs?
  • Sticking to existing clients only and “scared” of finding new customers?
  • Unable to generate leads?
  • Not wanting to “annoy” current leads?
  • Unaware of the core processes of prospecting?
  • Lack skills to keep their Pipeline active?
  • Unclear of distinguishing features from benefits?
  • Awkward and uneasy talking to decision makers and leaders?
  • Failing to revisit old leads regularly?
  • Stuck in the mindset that ‘sales is evil’?
  • Have a poor sales conversion rate?
  • Do not know the techniques to gain repeat business and upsell?
  • Blame shift – excuses dominate poor performance and missing targets?

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Measure the effectiveness of your Sales team and create productive, supported and balanced Salespeople.

  • Can you easily track conversion rates at each stage of the pipeline?
  • Can you easily work out the ROI for each customer targeted?
  • What system and processes do you have in place?
  • Do you know how satisfied your customers really are?

To get a Sales Health Check ASAP, contact the KONA Group 1300 833 574 or email info@KONA.com.au for a crucial conversation.