10 Tips to Make Your Trade Events a Success Part 2

10 Tips to Make Your Trade Events a Success Part 2, by Robert Savellis of the KONA Group In last week’s blog we discussed why and how successful Trade Events and Australian sales training workshops need consistent focus and expertise (If you haven’t read part 1 please go to the blog below) https://kona.com.au/10-Tips-to-Make-Your-Trade-Events-a-Success-Part-1 In KONA’s Sales Management training programs we often hear Managers lament that past trade events haven’t been successful and/or generated a poor ROI Therefore part 2 of How to Make Your Trade Events a Success includes the following key recommendations:
  1. Training staff on new products – there is nothing worse than staff being shown the product on the morning of the show and testing their knowledge on live customers. So ensure you train all attendees on new products prior to the show, as well as refreshers on more well established products or services
In addition, if you have ‘none sales people’ manning the stand ensure you give them sales training on how to approach and engage with customers as well as product training
  1. Speaking spot – make the most of the show and try to get a speakers spot
Many trade events have international speakers who draw a strong audience however they often are looking for ‘backup speakers’ or fill in speakers if someone doesn’t show up or pulls out. Promote the event to your customer base.
  1. Staff Roster – ensure that there is a roster prepared and agreed to by all managers outlining shift starting and finishing times and meal times. Make sure that you take into account that you need to split the shifts to enable staff to return calls, return e-mails and meet with customers.
  2. Pre and post briefing – Most companies spend a lot of money on attending an event where the ultimate goal was to generate leads and/or sales. So what next?
It is crucial to develop a lead distribution and management process. Otherwise all of those business cards your team gathered at the event will end up lost or wasted. (If you are in doubt of this divide the total costs of the event by the number of leads and sales you generate)
  1. Post-mortem analysis – investigate and learn from the event, document what has worked, what needs changing, what was the ROI, and what are you going to do going forward.
Robert Savellis is a Sales and Marketing Performance Specialist as the KONA Group If Robert can help you and your organisation to develop more opportunities, increase sales and grow profits please telephone 1300 611 288, or email info@KONA.com.au Alternatively go to: https://kona.com.au/Hearts-and-Minds-Sales-Training

10 Tips to Make Your Trade Events a Success Part 1

10 Tips to Make Your Trade Events a Success Part 1, by Robert Savellis of the KONA Group Successful trade events need focus and expertise Very often clients are reluctant to invest in trade events as they have “been there, done that and the return on investment was not worth it.” In all cases the post-mortem revealed that lack of proper planning was at the top of the list as to reasons why the event was not a success. Follow the below list and the results will follow.
  1. Event organiser – have a discussion with the event organiser and identify if this is the event for you, do not rely on a glossy brochure.
  2. Booth positioning – Just like a retail store the key principle at an event is position, position and position
The position and size of your stand plays an important role in the success of the event so always consider the impact on ROI between the positions of a slightly more expensive stand, compared to a cheaper but out of the way stand.
  1. Stand design – your stand needs to reflect your brand identity. Your design should be completed early to ensure all goes well and be sure to understand the limitations
Many events have restrictions in regards to height of banners and rigging, serving customers beverages etc. All venues have different restrictions so make sure you review the terms and conditions.
  1. Feature Products – decide what products you will be showing, a good start will be with your product roadmap.
Always have a plan ‘B’ as delays may occur if your product is being shipped from overseas or is still undergoing testing production phase.
  1. Demonstrations – when running demonstrations on products note what utilities and restrictions are in place that may affect or close down your demonstration.
  • Sound restrictions,
  • Electricity (what phase is required),
  • Water, drainage availability
  • WIFI (most shows are saturated with WIFI signals which may affect your demonstrations).
For Tips 6 – 10 please check out next week’s blog Robert Savellis as a Sales and Marketing Performance Specialist as the KONA Group If Robert can help you and your organisation to develop more opportunities and increase your ROI and sales from your upcoming events please telephone him on 1300 611 288, or email info@KONA.com.au