8 Tools that make Online Profiles an Executive Decision, by David Coe

Social media is transforming the way the big end of town communicates with professional and retail investors, fund managers, the media and market commentators. Smart executives are realising how to take advantage of this trend to build their online presence and achieve their career objectives. As the buy and sell sides increasingly adopt social media, smart executives are joining the conversations, raising their profile, and expanding their networks. They are connecting with people who can help them professionally. Some of the most important developments in Australia and overseas that are driving major corporations to use social media are:
  • Bloomberg now pumps Twitter messages on equities, currencies, commodities and bonds to the desktops of professional investors, brokers, analysts and the media
  • The ASX requires companies to be aware of what is being said about them on social media so they can respond appropriately
  • 62% of UK brokers and heads of trading desks says social media is influencing share prices
  • The New York Stock Exchange is giving tips to companies on how to use social media to engage investors
  • 66% of business journalists have written stories based on social media.
If you are looking for opportunities at the big end of town, hang out where they do. When you are there, it is important to know what channels to use because building a strong online presence is a lot more than getting likes on Facebook. Different forms of social media are suited to different uses and different types of information. When you make the most of their individual strengths, your efforts have maximum impact and you reach more of the people who can help you achieve your career goals. You do not need to use all of them and should use only those ones that will reach your target audiences. LinkedIn: When someone wants to find out more about you and types your name into Google, your LinkedIn profile most likely to head the results. That’s why the starting place for a strong online presence is your LinkedIn profile. Twitter has become the social media channel of choice for the financial markets. It is used by brokers, analysts, fund manager, SMSF investors, and business journalists. It may be restricted to 140 characters but this makes it ideal for headline-type announcements and alerts. YouTube is more than a site for videos. It is now a giant search engine owned by Google. Be found here for your area of expertise and you take a powerful step forward in your authority. Facebook allows sharing and commentary, which in turn creates a community among followers. It is best for consumer brands and suburban businesses to engage customers. Other channels are more appropriate for building professional authority. Pintrest is ideal for newsworthy graphs and information graphics. If you have data, create graphics to tell the story. Slideshare hosts presentations for others to find. When you give a presentation, post a copy here with a link from your website. Flickr hosts photos of your annual meeting, investor days and other events you want to capture visually. Smartphones mean that people can carry the internet in their pocket so be smart and build a powerful online presence to take advantage of the technology we take for granted.

By David Coe