Being a salesperson is a stressful job. And let’s face it, many people aren’t cut out for it.
However, if you are in a sales career, you may be considering ways to reduce the stress associated with your job, as stress can negatively impact results and can prevent you from achieving success. Here are the Top 5 Sales Stressors and How to Reduce Them to help you relax and smash KPIs all in one.
It’s not easy to choose the perfect sales quota that will make both management and sales reps happy. Sales targets can come to define your success or failure as a sales professional, but what can you really do to reduce the stress of these all important numbers?
Remember a sales quota doesn’t exist in isolation. The size of your target market, the mix of customers, prospects, the industry, and the product you are selling, all have an impact on your success. That said, realistic quotas need to be set to each individual. And most importantly, each salesperson must have a say in their sales target when it is being set with – not by – your sales manager.
There are so many things outside our control as sales professionals, it can sometimes seem overwhelming. That often includes factors like the sales territory you’re assigned to, or how much access you get to internal resources, or perhaps the flow of new leads.
When it comes to relinquishing the reins, it’s easier said than done. When it comes to thriving in sales, you need to be more flexible and adapt. You must welcome change and embrace the unknown. As much as we may want to control all aspects of our lives, there are plenty of things that are completely out of our control. This also applies to your sales pipeline. Recognizing what you can and can’t control helps combat stress and provides a sense of purpose.
If something is in your control, you can work at maintaining, fixing, or improving that aspect of the sales process. If it’s out of your control, work hard to move past it. Knowing what’s in your control also improves your decisiveness. That is, you can make decisions quickly and effectively because you’re better able to prioritise the things you can actually do something about.
The days of the “job for life” are pretty much over. Not many people currently aged under 50 will go through their working lives with only one employer, or even just two or three. Continuous, secure employment with one organisation is increasingly difficult to find, particularly if you’re new to the job market. There are many factors that threaten job security. They include globalization, outsourcing, downsizing, recession, new technology, and most recently, a pandemic.
First and foremost, you need to invest your own brand. Having a personal brand allows your prospects to build a stronger connection with you. It gives them something to connect with and also trust. Creating a personal brand is incredible way of creating positive impact on the people you meet, and a lasting one. It also gives you the opportunity of reaching your customers’ needs on a deeper, more meaningful level.
Sales is all about, well, sales! But when the majority of your ‘worth’ at work is calculated based on last quarter’s revenue-to-quota performance, it can feel like you’re on a treadmill to constantly perform. Every quarter is important, and every quarter the quota increases. But here’s the clencher – you still have the same amount of time in a day to do the job. Balancing the short term goal with the long term goal is very hard. But done right, it is the difference between an average salesperson, and a sales superstar.
To continue being successful, month after month, as a strong salesperson you need to be consistently developing new leads for the next period. That is, while still closing sales opportunities that are happening right now. It’s a fine balancing act between short term and long term goals. That said, having a plan in place for how you will develop new opportunities and manage existing deals is critical. And it starts with having a strong pipeline management process in place.
When you first move into a sales position, you think that that the selling part is where most of the stress is. How quickly we learn otherwise! Hardened sales pros know that the real stress is the internal selling. The backend data entry. The politics and toing and froing behind the scenes.
Build strong internal relationships and over-communicate with key stakeholders. Additionally, forecast as accurately as you possibly can. And where possible, stay well away from office politics. That is, in favour of time connecting with your customers.
Book your sales team on their Team Building Workshop. Gather the team and we will take care of the rest.
Call us at KONA on 1300 611 288 for a conversation, or email anytime.
This is one of the most profound statements I have ever heard.
It is in one of my favourite books – The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein.
Such a simple concept, yet so true: “That which we manifest is before us”; we are the creators of our own destiny.
Be it through intention or ignorance, our successes and our failures have been brought on by none other than ourselves.
I think this is wonderful … and yet scary at the same time.
So all my successes I created? Fabulous! But wait a minute – if I’m not as successful as I want to be, then I created that too? Horrors! And my absolute failures, I created those too? That’s a worry.
But let’s look at the positive. We can create our own future. It’s like The Secret. “What you think about and thank about, you bring about.” And other smart sayings: “If it’s to be, it’s up to me.” And the classic Michael Jackson line “I’m starting with the man in the mirror…take a look at yourself, and then make a change.”
We all have that potential to be M.A.D. (to make a Difference). It starts with deciding what you want, what will make you happy, what’s important to you – and then writing it down.
So that’s Step 1: Write it down, record it, post it, tell someone about your plans. Commit your dreams to paper (or the world-wide web) and it will become reality.
Step 2: Create stepping stones to get you over the troubled waters and to the other side – break it down into bite-sized pieces, so that you can achieve (and celebrate) small goals along the way. Measure the steps that you are taking. I love To-Do lists where I can tick off the things that I have accomplished each day.
Step 3: Ensure that you make your dreams ARE achievable. After all, you DO want to be able to applaud your effort and not finding that you are depressed by every little obstacle in the river of life that may come your way.
Step 4: Is it possible to be CEO of a company that you just started with within a year? Probably not! (Although for some Gen Y and Gen Xs that’s exactly what they want … and expect. But that’s another conversation altogether!) Be realistic about your wants and needs.
Step 5: Put a date on your dreams. Goals are dreams with a timeline.
Hmmm, seems like I’ve just written down S.M.A.R.T. goal-setting. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely.
As most of Australia emerges from lockdown, we are left to work out what a COVID workforce will be moving forward.
There is a lot that is unknown, however, one thing is certain, things will never go back to being exactly the way they were BC, you know, before COVID.
The way in which we work is one of the many changes resulting from a pandemic world. And as such we now find that our core business skillsets need to also be adapted. There are 6 Business Skills Needed in a Post Lockdown Workplace that your team will need to adopt to succeed in the aftermath of a pandemic.
The world was already evolving rapidly BC, and the pandemic just accelerated it. Whatever the catalyst is for change, change has occurred, and we need to accept and adapt to it being the norm.
The need for meetings has not changed, but what has changed is the acceptance and flexibility we are affording one another when it comes to how we conduct them. To succeed in this new world we are in, we will need to be able to adapt to an ever-evolving workplace. Additionally, we will need to have the ability to continuously update and refresh our communication skills.
One of the best ways to prepare yourself and your team for change is to acquire skills that keep you ahead of the game. The pandemic fast-tracked digital transformations in companies to a level and a speed that was never before seen. The reality is advancements in technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, the Internet of Things, virtual and augmented reality, and robotics will make businesses more resilient to future disruptions. And any team or business that can adapt to new technologies will be in a great position.
We have already seen the importance of creativity and innovation during the pandemic. Businesses that have been able to come up with ways to deliver services virtually or quickly shift to new products have been able to better weather the storm. In this brave new world we are in, we need human ingenuity to invent and dream up new products to be prepared for the “next thing”. Human creativity is going to be essential, particularly in managing our key accounts. That is, we need to step outside the square and look at how we continue to offer value solutions through creative thinking.
To succeed in today’s new world, Leaders need to be empathetic and adopt a personalised approach to managing individuals within a team. A Personalised Leadership Development plan is what helps turn a manager into a Leader. A Personlised Leadership Framework begins by developing a strategic growth plan. That is, one that outlines both short and long-term plans. By developing this style of Leadership Framework, an individual is able to increase skills, knowledge, and experience through layered learnings. And additionally, Leaders will be able to build positive mental reinforcements as well as create a firm foundation of leadership ability.
Intricately linked to Leadership is another skill that is even more important in uncertain and challenging times. That is, Emotional Intelligence (EQ).
Fundamentally, the ability to be aware of, express, and control our emotions and be aware of others’ emotions is what emotional intelligence is all about. At times when people might feel uncertain about their job and the future of their business, it is key to connect with people. That is, on an emotional level.
Individuals with strong EQ will be coveted by organisations of all sizes and in all industries.
Throughout the Work From Home stages, we have been measuring Leaders’ EQ and coaching them on how they best navigate through these times. As we move post-COVID life, it is this type of measurement and forward thinking by leaders that will become mainstream.
According to the World Economic Forum, in just five years, 35 percent of the skills deemed essential today will change. There’s only one way to remain relevant in an ever changing world: commit to a lifetime of learning.
When faced with a tight job market, professionals with advanced and expert job skills will still be in demand. Additionally, they will likely struggle less to find employment.
With so many learning options available these days, people are often tempted to simply go to Google, type in some general search terms, and start one of the first courses that pops up. That’s a waste of time. Job requirements are quickly evolving. To ensure relevance, you need to focus on learning the latest emerging skills.
The good news is that improving your skills has never been easier with KONA’s Business Skills in the New World Workshop. It can be virtualor face to face, we customise all the learnings to your team’s needs and challenges.
We all get them, the “annoying” telephone calls from someone trying to sell you something you absolutely don’t need. That is not what you want as your strategy right? Thankfully,there are other ways.
Sales Outreach has come a long way and has evolved to something quite different from pure cold calling. And as the field continues developing, you need to keep up with it. With the help of research and new techniques, you can improve your Sales Outreach Strategy and make it more effective in today’s current climate.
Consequently, a rise in engagement, conversion rates, and profits is likely to follow. So don’t hesitate, because as we teach in our workshops, Activity Drives Results, and therefore, with a better Sales Outreach you will get better results.
Sales Outreach is the process of engaging with prospects who meet your customer profile. That is, with the goal of bringing them into the Sales pipeline and converting them into paying customers.
Moreover, the rise of inbound marketing has greatly increased the number of channels for the modern marketer. But it has also increased the noise that we need to learn to cut through if we are to reach the modern B2B buyer.
Consequently, and partly as a response to the noise, outbound marketing has been modernised. Prospecting has become a key part of the marketing mix. Crucially, it allows highly targeted Sales Outreach to deliver personalised messages to key decision-makers.
Cold Sales Outreach is a vital part of starting conversations with potential customers. The merits of this, and which methods of Outreach are most effective, are revealed in some surprising statistics.
The average Salesperson only spends a third of their day actually selling
40% of Salespeople say prospecting is the hardest part of their job (HubSpot)
60% of B2B buyers say no four times before saying yes
48% of Salespeople never even make a single follow up attempt (Invespcro)
It takes between eight and 18 calls to actually connect with a buyer (Brevet & TopoHQ)
Salespeople spend the equivalent of an entire day each week writing emails (HubSpot)
70% of unanswered Sales emails aren’t followed up (Yesware)
Follow up emails generate 77% of prospecting campaign responses (Sopro)
80% of prospects prefer Sales discussion over email compared to any other medium(HubSpot)
Email marketing is almost 40 times more effective than social media marketing for new customer acquisition (Brevet)
89% of marketers say that email is their primary channel for lead generation (Copper)
If you notice that you’re not reaching your Sales goals, it might be time to work on your Sales Outreach approach. Does your team have an effective Sales Outreach Strategy in place? Below are 6 Ways to Improve Your Sales Outreach Strategy to get you started.
Remember? We will say it again and never stop drilling it in. Activity Drives Results!
As a business with something to sell, you are the one that should make the first move. This is particularly obvious with outbound Sales Outreach. That is, where the entire concept is that you contact potential clients to close the deal. But even if you’re focusing on inbound Sales Outreach, there are things you can do to improve your chances of conversion.
For example, collecting data about your leads, prospects, and existing clients will give you a better idea of who they are and what they respond to. This is addressed in a 90 Minute Virtual Workshop, called The Importance of Information Gatheringand Your Sales Outreach Strategy.
Once you have gathered the correct and valuable data from your prospect, you can use the knowledge to improve your approach. That means, from your marketing and branding all the way to your customer services. This process will significantly increase your opportunities of being contacted by interested customers.
Having a comprehensive understanding of your customers is key to achieving core business goals.
Whether you’re trying to build the customer experience, create more engaging content, or increase Sales. Knowing your customers betterthan they do is key. That means developing ideal customer profiles and mapping your audience. This is addressed in a 90 Minute Virtual Workshop, called Customer DNA and Your Sales Outreach Strategy.
Who you approach is also going to affect how you approach them.
You want to meet potential clients where they are, that is – using the communication channels they prefer. Virtually everyone uses e-mail these days, so that’s a safe bet for Sales Outreach. Phones have been successfully used in Sales for decades, so they will probably work for you too.
What’s new in recent years is social media. If you can harness the power of different social media platforms, you can significantly improve your strategy. Just remember to choose the right social media.
90% of top-performing Salespeople now use social media as part of their sales strategy. (LinkedIn)
Have a think about which channels will work best for your target audience. Cold calling will be the way to go for some.
An approach on social media can work really well for others. Of course, LinkedIn is the go-to network for most B2B buyers. However, if your audience is, say, wedding photographers, then Instagram might be a place they are more active.
64% of sales reps who invest in social media hit their team quota – compared to only 49% of reps that don’t use social media. (LinkedIn)
Cold email outreach is a proven tactic that delivers the highest lead rates and marketing ROI. And as the above figures show, four out of five B2B buyers prefer to be contacted by email over any other medium.
Personalisation is where it is at these days. It is in fact, one of the most effective tactics for both marketing and client retention that you can possibly invest in. It makes your efforts more relevant for the individual client. But also, it makes them feel important and special rather than just another number.
Every person you contact should believe that you typed out an email just for them. Cold email copywriting is an art form in itself, but it’s the personalisation that really takes a message to the next level.
By personalising 20% of email content, open rates increased over 40% on average and reply rates increased 112%. This is compared to emails with no personalisation at all. (SalesLoft)
But how do you personalise a Sales Outreach approach?
The first step is collecting as much information as you can. Remember, The Importance of Information Gathering and Your Sales Outreach Strategy?
Equally as important, invest in a good CRM system! This is crucial. A solid CRM will help you collect, organise, and measure data about ALL your team’s leads. Then, when your Salespeople contact those leads, they can use information about them to adjust and tailor their Sales pitch to each one. They should use the customer’s interests and previous experiences with the business as a starting point to rebuild that all-important rapport. Crucially, they will refer back to emails and conversations and know how to connect with a particular customer and pick up from where they last left off. Finally, your Salespeople can use the data to guide your marketing strategies too. This will consequently increase the number of inbound contacts you get and have a significant growth effect on their pipeline.
Businesses that leverage CRM software sees sales increase by 29%, sales productivity increase by 34%, and sales forecast accuracy increase by 42%. (Salesforce)
You have to get into the right state of mind.
You can no longer focus on selling your product, service, or solution. You must focus on communicating as a trusted advisor and industry thought leader. That means focusing on the value and ROI your solution delivers versus the simple features and benefits of the actual product or service.
But how do you change your mindset?
Keep yourself open to new ideas by continuing to learn. Crucially, invest in your team’s education with continuous learning and training.
Tailored training involves the use of Sales-based activities designed to spark creativity and help your Salespeople reframe their thinking to value-based selling, rather than basic brand flogger.
The mindset of every Salesperson has the power to drive or destroy their sales. It is up to you as their Leader, to shape a positive, results-orientated mindset.
Most of the time,a single contact is not going to be enough for conversion. And when your customers are other businesses as well, you need to remember they too are busy people whose first priority is probably not your business.
So don’t let them forget about you! Contact them again after a while. If you can, work on building actual relationships. A more personal approach will help you make the Sale. However, know when to hold back as well. Aim for a balanced approach where you follow up without being too pushy.
How do you know when your team needs to improve its Sales Outreach Strategy?
There’s never a bad time to improve your Sales Outreach strategy. After all, a better approach leads to better results.
As Leaders, if you’re working on your quarterly plans or reorganising things in your business, reconsidering how you do your Sales Outreach techniques should be on the list every time.
But it becomes critical when you notice too many deals are lost and leads are not moving through the Sales pipeline. This will affect your ROI and overall profits, so trying a new approach as soon as possible is a must.
Call us to organise your team of professionals to be part of your bespoke training and build a customised Sales Outreach Strategy. Each focus learning area will be tailored to your team’s needs and challenges.
They can be part of 4 x 90 minutes Sales Outreach Strategy EssentialsVirtual Workshops. Cherry-pick one or all of the topics below and customise your Team’s Learning.
To book Your Team’s tailored ↑Sales Outreach Strategy Building VirtualWorkshops, contact KONA on 1300 611 288 for a confidential conversation, or email anytime.
What is the Secret to Happiness and How Does a Happy Mindset Improve Sales?
Coping with the emotional toll of missed opportunities and train-wreck sales meetings can be tiring as well as demoralising. But despite the trials, you must fight against what can at times seem like an onslaught of negativity. That is, if you want to get to the rewards. And the best way to do that is by cultivating and also nourishing a positive attitude.
However, the trick is not just being positive when everything is A-Okay, but rather staying positive even when things don’t go so well. Remember the time old philosophy – that you can’t always control the outcomes of things, but what you can control is how you respond to those outcomes. But is this the true secret to happiness? Well, read on.
While many of us can handle the pressure, some of us crumble under it. And if we don’t take care of our own happiness, our sales success can take a real blow. “How do you know if you have a piece of quartz or a diamond on your team, in your relationships, family, and even within yourself?The only way to really know – is to apply pressure”, reflects HBB Group CEO Garret Norris. So when it comes to handling pressure, do you have diamonds or quartzes on your team?
Are You a Diamond or a Quartz Under Pressure
That’s why we want to show you that there is a real relationship between happiness and sales success. But it is up to you to decide, how does your personal happiness play a part in your sales process? And ultimately, what record long study has revealed the true secret to happiness?
What is the Secret to Happiness?
Robert Waldinger is a Harvard professor. He has been studying lifelong happiness for near on his entire life. It has been the longest study on happiness ever. And remarkably, it is still going on today.
The study started with boys from a variety of backgrounds. That is some poor, some rich, some in college and some on the streets. Researchers tried to predict the lives of the boys. All of them had different dreams of becoming rich and famous. However, a true prediction turned out to be impossible. As their health, personal relationships, jobs and social status did not match the researchers’ predictions.
Waldinger surprisingly could only come up with one major conclusion. Just one crucial result, from 75 years of studying happiness in 724 different men. The finding: good lives come from good relationships.
In other words, when these men didn’t have strong personal relationships and couldn’t count on others for support, their health declined. And consequently, they were less motivated to continue pursuing a successful career. And most importantly, good relationships were all based on effective communication!
So, How Do We Cultivate and Nourish Happy Relationships?
Well, based on Waldinger’s research, below are 7 Tips on How to Be A Happy (Sales) Person. Or indeed a happy person in general. Fundamentally, these tips all have two key aspects in common. Effective Communication and Activity.Happiness is not a goal, it is a process. It is all about cultivating good relationships through communication. As for being active – activity drives results! Every time.
Secret to Happiness in a Sales Process
These tips are not just for Salespeople, everyone can benefit from these simple practices, so share them amongst your colleagues, peers and family. Isn’t the greatest gift of all is when we see someone happy? Well, why not give others the tools to make themselves happy, daily.
7 Tips on How to Be A Happy (Sales) Person
1. Talk to Another Adult Daily
Have an actual small conversation with them. Even if it is a neighbour or someone at the shops. It’s a break for your mind. And it gives you fuel for self-worth. By connecting with others, you become bigger than yourself. Conversations are the mixing bowls that great ideas emerge from. By discussing an idea with someone, even a stranger, they can help flesh it out.
Additionally, when someone takes the time to listen to you, they demonstrating appreciation for you. They may not agree with you in everything, but value your perspective. That in turn formulates self-worth and personal value. Our looks or digital image are no match for a conversation in showcasing our personality. Talking to someone is you in 3D, HD, and live all in one.
And best of all, conversations can make you laugh, can be fascinating, and can cheer you up.
2. Do Not Let Others Control Your Emotions
This one is easier said than done, but when done, it is highly successful emotionally. Added to that, it is also the absolute best feeling! Do not waste your personal social interactions on people who are emotionally draining. It was Eleanor Roosevelt who eloquently stated, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”
As much as we hate to admit it, we are where we are in life because of the decisions we’ve made, either consciously or unconsciously. Most people don’t want to accept that they are the cause of their own outcomes. Especially when they’ve been so directly and closely exposed to vile human beings. They become programmed to a certain response, but the response is still nevertheless a choice. There’s always another response to choose.
When we take ownership of how we respond, we are taking full responsibility for ourselves. Look at the word responsibility: response + ability. That means our ability to respond to situations, events, or people in the way we choose. We can choose to respond in anger, or we can choose to respond with calm.
Here are some ways to better control your emotions and choose a better response:
Start each day with a Positive Mindset. When you start with a positive outlook at the beginning of they day, it sets a calm tone for the day. It heightens your focus and self-awareness. It makes you better equipped to handle adversity.
Accept Response-Ability. Accept that your feelings are entirely in your hands. When you do this, you take back control. You get to decide how you want to react.
Reflection.Think back at a time when you got angry at someone. How did it go down? What did you say or do? How did you handle it? Now, think about the feeling when it first arrived. How could you have made a conscious decision to respond differently?
Shut the Ego Up.Someone did something, and you suddenly became angry. Your ego said: “Go ahead. Get angry! Your feelings are totally justified. They *made* you feel this way. They totally deserve your wrath!” So, you ran with it. Sure, there’s always that sense of instant gratification that you get by letting loose on someone who’s done or said something that caused a negative feeling to stir in you. But that is only temporary. And sometimes, most of the time, you feel like a complete donkey’s rear afterwards because you didn’t have more self-control. Then the guilt and shame settles in. And so starts the viscous cycle.
What if you decided to ignore the ego when the feelings first started coming on and you said: “Nope. I am not going to feel this way. This feeling doesn’t serve me or my well-being. I am going to calmly let it go.” Try it next time you hear that wicked voice in your head pushing you to react in a fruitless attempt to punish the offending party.
By taking responsibility for your reactions, you eventually gain control over your emotions. You begin to develop new emotional habits and a better response system. Your perception of what once would have made you really angry will change, and you will see it in a different light. You are in control of how you feel and how you respond.
3. Learn to Be Comfortable Alone But Also Try and Connect with New People
We often feel like we have to do things as a group in order for them to be fun. Not true. In reality, that’s not always the case. A lot of the time, many of us feel like we just need timeout with ourselves. And that is so important.
Alone time resets the brain and spirit. It dilutes the fog and clears the emotions from concern of what others are thinking. Having timeout with yourself allows you to crucially workout what you like and don’t like clearly. It gives you power to choose what you want in that moment, as well as in the future.
Try it out: it will do wonders for your confidence, and you will more than likely meet other people who have the same interests as you. And that there is equally important. Connecting with like-minded folk, adds to our self-worth and allows us to always be learning to better our emotional growth. And we know we only stop learning when we stop living!
4. Communicate Effectively with Your Partner, Family, Friends, and Colleagues
Open communication is the best way of maintaining strong relationships. Ask them quality questions about themselves using open questions. This will yield you answers which reflect their true feelings.
Additionally, listen to them. Actively. That is actually, listen! Very different to hearing them! Communication is not the same as broadcasting, or simply sending out of information. Effective Communication is a two-way process, in other words, it involves both the sending and receiving of information.
It therefore requires both speaking and listening. But most importantly, it requires developing a shared understanding of the information being transmitted and received.
If you are the Information ‘Sender’ you need to communicate clearly to start with. Then ask quality questions to check your listeners’ understanding. You must also then in turn listen to their replies. And crucially, if necessary clarify further.
If you are the Information ‘Recipient’ you need to listen carefully to the information. Then check you have understood by reflecting back, or asking questions. This is to ensure that both of you have the same understanding of the situation.
Effective Communication is therefore an active process, there is nothing passive about strong communication, in either direction.
The action of a good deed is amazing for nourishing our well-being. Why? Because it’s a win-win situation. You are giving back AND you feel good about yourself. Additionally, you are also opening the door to opportunities to forge relationships with people who think like you!
Doing a good deed helps you focus your thoughts outward toward others. It helps you take a step outside your own world for a little while. Performing good deeds can have positive effects on your health, like reducing stress.
Two large studies found that older adults who volunteered reaped benefits in their health and well-being. Those who volunteered were living longer than non-volunteers. Another large study found a 44% reduction in early death among those who volunteered a lot (
When we engage in good deeds, we reduce our own stress. This includes the physiological changes that occur when we’re stressed. During this stress response, hormones like cortisol are released, and our heart and breathing rates increase. That is, the “fight or flight” response.
If a stress response remains “turned on” for an extended period, the immune and cardiovascular systems are adversely affected. That means the body’s defences are weakened, making it more susceptible to abnormal cellular changes. Studies of telomeres, that is the “end-caps of our genes”, have revealed long-term stress shortens those end-caps. And shortened end-caps is linked with early death.
In a nutshell, the process of cultivating a positive emotional state through pro-social behaviours, that is by being generous, may lengthen our life.
6. Always be Active but One Step at a Time
We know that activity drives results. And what’s more, it is awesome for our health. That is, activity promotes increased muscular endurance. That means, your muscles will be able to work longer and harder before they lose strength or feel exhausted (‘fatigued’). This effect can also see you feeling more able to cope with everyday physical tasks. Lowering blood pressure. Increasing good cholesterol levels. All round great benefits.
But remember, you don’t need to tackle every task. Rather tackle things one step at a time. This allows us to keep making progress even if we aren’t making as much progress as we had planned for before we started. Consequently, we can work through challenges instead of quitting every time we hit a tough spot.
If you are setting goals and finding that you can’t seem to stick with it, then shift your mindset to start to focus on each step. This allows you to concentrate on the current step and getting past it. There you go, an accomplishment already!
You will be amazed at how much this can help. It can allow you to continue just long enough for the work to become a routine and then habit. It can become an automatic act without much thought. When it does, you will start to be able to build on it. Today, just focus on working through today’s challenges.Remember the old adage – how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
7. Acknowledge Difficulties and Be Happy in the Present
This point in particular is what is known as giving your brain a “happiness advantage”. We must not bottle-up our feelings or brush sadness and conflict under the carpet. Rather, we must learn to always acknowledge our situation. Work on it. And continue to move forward. By learning how to be happy in the present you automatically cleanse your mind.
Try your best to be accepting of the moment and practice gratitude as much as you can. And for those of us that find the art of gratitude difficult to navigate on a continual basis, try these helpers:
Write down 3 new things per day that made you feel happy or grateful
Keep a list of positive experiences and add to it when you can
Exercise!! Even if it is a 40-minute walk. Every day!
Spend a minimum of two minutes a day slow breathing (or even better, meditating). In your own way.
Spread the Happiness. That means, bring positivity into the world around you! Compliment a colleague. Reach out to a person feeling blue. Spend some time volunteering. Surprise someone with a gift or kind message for no reason, or to simply say thinking of you or thank you.
If you follow these tips, you will notice that you are happier, healthier, and more successful.
Keep in mind that happiness is not a goal, it is a way of life!
Great, now that you understand the core happiness process, you can apply these techniques to your sales process. Firstly, it is important to strengthen your relationships. Sales is a people-oriented job, so maintaining good customer relationships increases your personal happiness.
Are you in a love-hate relationship with your job?
That is, do you hate it when you are at work and love it when you’re not?
Happy salespeopleconvert more leads and are generally more successful because their customers actually want to talk to them. They are more engaging and talk about the value of a product more than an unhappy salesperson does. If you’re unhappy in your sales job, try the tips above and apply the learnings below. Together this formula will see you your sales performance skyrocket as well as your KPIs and ROI.
Learn how to apply the two key happiness factors – effective communication and activity – in your Sales Process, by studying these Two Focus Learning Areas.
Understand Why You Are Here, What is Your Value Proposition?
Learn How to Communicate with Customers in Unsettling Times
Ask Quality Questions and Actively Listen to Strengthen Customer Relationships
Change Your Sales Mindset
Grasp the Power of Words
Get Jabbed with Infectious Positivity
Learn How to Reframe Speech for Positive Communication
Call us to organise your team of professionals to be part of your bespoke training and build a Positive Sales Process in your business. Each focus learning area will be tailored to your team’s needs and challenges.
4 x 90 minutes Effective Communication and Positive Sales Process Virtual Workshops. Cherry pick one or all of the topics mentioned above. Customise your Team’s Learning.
To Book Your Team on their tailored ↑Effective Communication and Positive Sales Process VirtualWorkshops Contact KONAon 1300 611 288 for a confidential conversation, or anytime.
Despite the urge to act now to avoid the “use it or lose it” budget spending, it’s vital to think strategically about your organisation’s future objectives before moving forward. Be wise when considering your End Of Financial Year (EOFY) spending, but don’t be complacent.
Notably, your actions right now could positively impact other areas of your business. That is, investing in professional development now could result in bolstering employee morale as well as helping you get ahead on your KPIs for the upcoming quarter.
Ultimately, with the right investment you will have more than a budget increase to look forward to next year.
So use your budget now and we will hold delivery dates for when you are ready to use them in the next 12 months. Consider being part of the KONA Credit Benefits (KCB) Program.
With this in mind, here is how to get the most value for your organisation by spending your budget before the end of the financial year. Put simply, there has never been a better time to upskill your team.
To Get Your KONA CREDIT BENEFITS > Before the End of the Financial Year > to Use over 12 Months
Top 4 EOFY Budget Spending Ideas
1. Learning tools to Streamline Processes
Investing in sharpening the tools of your team while you are able to is a wise business move. Basically, it ensures your employees are well equipped to start bolstering the budget for the remainder of the year.
The end of the financial year is a great time to take inventory of your team’s current skill level. Also, it’s a wise time to identify any gaps in your learning processes that cause pain for productivity.
Even though educational needs vary from person to person and department to department, consider the value of uniform learning. That is, embedding a uniform teaching methodology across your entire business. By doing so, you are creating ONE language everyone can both speak and understand.
For example, the valuable profiling tool of DISC teaches all employees across all levels how to understand human behaviour. By instilling the language of DISC in your workplace you ensure everyone is operating form the same manual. Ultimately, it guarantees solidarity and strength in the eyes of your customers.
2. Recognise Employees
Everyone enjoys feeling appreciated. If your company enjoyed a successful year or your team has gone above and beyond, why not use the budget money to reward your employees?
Recognition takes many different forms, which can fit almost any budget imaginable. Moreover, employee recognition is best when there is a measurable result that comes from it. Consequently, it is worth considering investing in team-building activities. Ultimately, it strengthens trust, encourages communication, resolves conflict, and increases collaboration between employees. Additionally, effective team-building activities produce more engaged employees. And as a result, contributes to a healthy work culture while at the same time boosting your ROI.
Treat your employees to fun and dynamic team building sessions! The best team-building activities don’t feel like the typical day at the office. Or in recent times, another virtual meeting! Try one of KONA’s energy high knowledge rich Virtual and F2F Team Building Workshops! SO many belly laughs and so much employee satisfaction.
3. Invest in EduTainment
Budget surpluses also provides ways to invest in education opportunities that can keep employees up to date with industry standards. Workforce statistics reveal that companies with engaged employees make 2.5 times the revenue. Additionally, those highly engaged employees are also 87% less likely to leave their jobs.
There are some interesting ways to impart dynamic as well as educational information on to your employees. And these do not necessarily involve state-of-the-art technologies. Ultimately, by being engaging you ensure what they are learning will stick. We call it EDUTAINMENT! That is an investment that keeps on giving!
KONA Group DISC & Sales Workshop
Edutainment makes sure you get your money’s worth, by adding a level of entertainment and education to your team’s learnings. In fact you are embedding the learning in a way they can retrieve the information on a daily basis. Consequently, this ensures they don’t return to their old habits. And the bonus? You have up skilled your employees, entertained them and skyrocketed mojo to produce more work!
4. Assign Resources to Professional Development efforts
There never seems to be enough time or resources to complete every goal, project, or assignment that comes our way. Especially when it comes to professional development.
Admittedly, the reasons are often simple enough. That is because in most situations we are limited to budget constraints. But, when we are able to assign End of Financial Year funds to professional development, we are effectively making an investment in the year ahead.
Importantly, you should provide your people with core learningareasand ask them what they need upskilling in the most. Remember – we don’t know what we don’t know!
Workshops Can all be Delivered onsite or virtually, and Include Core Learning Areas in:
Don’t forget, June 30 is just around the corner. These are just four of the ways that you can spend what remains of your budget with the intention to boosting your ROI.
Use your budget now and we will hold delivery dates for when you are ready to use them in the next 12 months. Consider being part of the KONA Credit Benefits (KCB) Program.
Cost-effective, simple and efficient – the perfect way to spend your leftover budget.
Purchasing Professional Development KCB Points in advance is hassle-free.
With the KCB Points there is no need to conduct formal tenders on a project-by-project basis. This will save you time and money!
There is no spend limit – no matter how detailed the customised content is for your training or how many people you want to upskill, there will be no additional paperwork or costs.
We make the transaction simple, with one set of agreed terms and conditions.
You can be confident that all your people’s Professional Development obligations are met.
You are guaranteed transparency and clarity throughout your entire KONA Credit BenefitsProgram
As an Australian-owned and operated organisation, nobody understands the requirements of Australian business and employee training like the KONA Group.
The more KCB Points you build the wider access to our range of holistic business services.
KCB Points are only offered to the first 50 applicants before June 30, 2021.
KCB Points can be used across ALL our holistic business services! Restriction Free.
We’re committed to providing the highest quality training solutions to your team, especially through the latest round of pandemic restrictions. Additionally, we ensure your business and people will be guided through an engaging and enriching learning experience.
For more information about how you can secure your KONA Credit Benefits, contact us to invest in your KCB Points, on 1300 611 288 for a confidential conversation, or email anytime.
Salespeople have their own secret language known as Sales jargon. Experienced Salespeople know success comes from communicating clearly. That is, in language their prospects can understand. However, there are numerous slang terms that Salespeople reserve for internal meetings and happy hours.
Here are some Sales jargon words and phrases most Salespeople have in their arsenal. Importantly, we also outline reasons why you shouldn’t use insider speak around clients and customers.
ABC is an acronym that stands for “always be closing”. This is a Sales strategy that is rooted in the idea that every action a Salesperson takes throughout their Sales process is in pursuit of closing a deal.
BANT is used when Sales representatives are qualifying leads.
Budget: determines if the business has the budget to purchase the solution
Authority: identifies key decision-makers in the business
Need: verifies that the business has a real need for the solution
Time: checks if the business is likely to make a timely purchase
To Refine Your Sales Team’s Communication Skills
Cues from a prospect that they’re ready to buy. Buying signals can be Verbal, that is, asking about price; or Non-Verbal, that is, nodding and holding eye contact.
Churn rate is the percentage of customers that stop doing business with a company over a certain period of time. The churn rate is calculated by dividing the number of customers you lost by the number you had at the beginning of the chosen time frame.
The Decision Maker is the person who ultimately approves a sale or purchase. This is not necessarily the person who appears to be calling the shots.
A selling method that attempts to appeal to a buyer’s emotions. That is, either by generating desire and excitement around the product’s benefits, or evoking negative emotions. This includes feelings like fear and frustration. These are uncovering pain points that your product or service can alleviate. (See: Intellectual Sale)
Forecasting is the act of estimating future Sales. This is so companies can make better business decisions and predict performance. Additionally, forecasts can be based on past Sales data, industry comparisons, or economic trends.
A gatekeeper is someone who controls access to the Decision Maker. For instance, a gatekeeper may be a personal assistant who relays information back to their boss. Put simply, gatekeepers are responsible for filtering out unimportant distractions. Ultimately, this means you have to prove your value to them first before you can progress any further.
As opposed to an Emotional Sale, an Intellectual Sale attempts to appeal to a prospect’s logic. That is, it targets a customer’s need for a quick, affordable solution to a problem. An Intellectual Sale is more “business” than “personal.”
“Landing” a Sale refers to the initial close, when you bring on a new customer for the first time. And “Expanding” means generating even more revenue from the account. That is by upselling or broadening the scope of the service you’re providing. Crucially, Salespeople need to land and expand in order to generate the most revenue from a given prospect.
Building rapport with a prospect by adopting their body language and speech patterns. Subtlety is key, here. That is, if you overdo it, you will come off as ingenuine, or even creepy.
To Refine Your Sales Team’s Communication Skills
Non Sales-related Activities. That is, actions and tasks that Salespeople spend time on that do not directly lead to Sales. This can include administrative activities and paperwork or making personal calls and surfing online. Basically, whenever you are not prospecting, qualifying, setting up presentations and appointments, or closing, you are probably engaged in an NSA.
Allowing customers to try out a product with no obligation while they make their decision. The idea is, an uncommitted buyer will fall in love with the product and will not want to let it go. This is likened to a person wanting to buy a puppy, they wouldn’t be able to say “no” after taking one home for a few days.
Social Selling is the act of using social media to interact with prospects. Oftentimes, this includes providing answers to simple questions that will help the prospect better understand their pain points and potential solutions.
A prospect that has the potential to bring tremendous ongoing Sales revenue to an organisation. Like whales, they are big, elusive, and rare. And, Sales teams pull out all the stops to land one.
Holding off on closing active deals once you have already hit your quota/commission for the month. Some Salespeople do this so that they can more easily hit numbers the following month.
Cold-calling with a cheerful, positive tone of voice – and yes, a smile! Smiling communicates warmth and trustworthiness over the phone. Ultimately, it makes the prospect less likely to hang up on you. Even if people cannot see your smile, they can hear it!
A prospect who has no intention or ability to buy. It isn’t long before the red flags appear! That is, they don’t have a budget, the purchase is not within their authority, or their timeline is far into the future. Put simply, tire-kickers are time-wasters.
Even though prospects might seem to understand what you’re talking about, you should avoid using Sales jargon during interactions. Sure, your clients might know what you mean, but the danger is you will either lose them completely or they will think you don’t care about them enough to communicate clearly.
The overuse of jargon can come across as confusing and will often put the buyer off. Apart from the abbreviated type of jargon, the repetitive and cheesier one liners are often over-used.
“Lets touch base”
“We are on a journey”
“Its a no brainer”
“Its a game changer”
“Lets line our ducks up in a row”
Simple language that sounds more natural. Here are some alternatives to the above.
“Hi, I just wanted to catch up and see how things are going”
“We are with you every step of the way”
“I believe our product/service will be a great addition to your business” … then explain how.
“I believe our product/service will work well with your business”… then explain how.
“Let me explain how we work and then see if we can get a date in the diary”
So remember – while amongst colleagues, Sales speak is a sign of efficiency and understanding, to the prospect your Sales jargon can create a communication barrier! So make sure you train your Salespeople how and when to use it effectively.
Refine Your Sales Team’s Communication Skills with KONA’s Tailored Effective Communication Workshops. Contact us for your team’s bespoke training, on 1300 611 288 for a confidential conversation, or email anytime.
It has been just over 12 months since the powers that be declared COVID-19 as a global pandemic. And even a year on, despite Australia’s pandemic position compared to the rest of the world, we are still feeling the shock waves. Whether your company is large or small, whether you have experienced serious disruptions in your business or managed to avoid them, if you are a company leader, it is likely that the last year has taken a lot out of you. And, it is okay to acknowledge that. It is also okay to congratulate your team – and yourself – for still being in the game.
Once you have acknowledged reality and issued those congratulations, take the time to address three powerful questions. These three questions are inspiring, motivating, and transforming. We know this because they are the same questions we have asked a multitude of teams we work with delivering tailored Sales training across APAC. Consequently, it is these three questions that have resulted in a mindset shift in Sales teams, and in turn smashing their KPIs. The answers you give to the three questions will help you maintain momentum as you emerge from these challenging times.
Stay Ahead of Your Competition with Tailored Sales Training
Question 1: How Healthy are Your Pipelines, and What Can You Do to Make Them Healthier?
Because of the pandemic, many Sales teams are still finding online lead-generation efforts difficult. As a result, teams are struggling to strengthen their prospecting muscle. Consequently, the skill of maintaining customer rapport has diminished. Never has it been so important to teach your Salespeople how to develop stronger relationship-creation behaviours. This performance gap may have emerged after a long period of time when the prospecting process was minimal or even dormant. Alternatively, they may have gone unnoticed while the pipelinewas still plentiful. However, the longer the problem remains unaddressed, the more serious the consequences for your team’s KPI – and yours!
Question 2: Has Your Organisation Turned the Corner on Remote Selling?
Is your Sales team still struggling to maintain mojo? Are they struggling to sell on a virtual platform still? Or worse yet, are they falling victim to work from home distractions?
Virtual and digital selling are here to stay. However, many Salespeople are not equipped to succeed in this new environment. Without the right training, reinforcement, and tools, they are finding that access and engagement with buyers is more and more challenging. If there are skill gaps in this area you are in trouble. Moreover, if the resources and strategies you are sharing with your Sales team are basically the same as the ones you had at the start of 2019, then you are officially at a competitive disadvantage. A lot of Sales has moved to online platforms, is your team up-to-date?
Stay Ahead of Your Competition with Tailored Sales Training
Question 3: What are you, Personally, Doing to Help Protect Key Customer Relationships?
Pay close attention. Your key customers are seeing more of your competitors these days! And your competitors, in the current environment, are pulling out all the stops to secure their business. Contact with key relationships needs to be nurtured and secured. And ultimately, a C-level to C-level contact is one of the best ways to secure them. You personally need to be close to your most precious accounts. It should be a top priority to work with your Sales team’s pipeline. Also, consider taking part in regular business-review meetings with key relationships.
Put simply, keep working on that emotional connection with your client – you know your competition is!
To Stay Ahead of Your Competition and Update Your Team’s Selling Behaviour contact KONA for Tailored Sales Training on 1300 611 288 for a confidential conversation, or email anytime.
Had an update lately? Apple updates its operating systems on a regular basis. As does Samsung, Office 365 and so on and so on. Why? Basically, to fix something that is dated, to add new information, or to simply make for a superior product. Most of these updates occur automatically and without fanfare. But, when an update advances to the next level – from 14.0 to 15.0 – it is a big deal. Moreover, it also means significant advances in features, stability, security, and usability. This leaves you – the customer – excited, satisfied, and wanting more!
Excited, satisfied and wanting more? And all it took was an update?!
Well then, does it not stand to reason, if we updated our Sales Competencies our customers too will be excited, satisfied, and wanting more?
Excellent Salespeople will have a specific set of core Sales Competencies. And it is their Leader’s job to ensure these Sales Competencies are refined and renewed. How? By regularly updating their skills, performance methods and top of the list Sales Competencies.
These competencies are both inherent traits to their behaviours as well as skills that can be trained, practiced, and once again, updated.
Understanding what these select proficiencies are, how they contribute to a Salesperson’s success, and how to recognise them in your team will make a significant difference. Namely, pumping up their pipelineand boosting overall ROI.
Whether they are converting inbound sales calls, fighting it out in the field or managing from behind the front-lines, Sales professionals need a particular set of foundational skills. Below is a list of the Top 8 Sales Competencies your Sales Team should be receiving regular updates in.
Finding a customer’s pain points and needs in the marketplace keeps the pipeline full of potential customers for new business. It’s essential to update your Prospecting Style. This can be from how you research your customers, how to uncover their desires, as well as new was to define the ideal customer profile.
2. Upselling
Strong Salespeople are able to identify opportunities for expansion revenue. For Sales Managers, this means observing their Sales team under a microscope. That is, updating their account management processes, active listening skills, quality questioning techniques and customer rapport strategies.
3. Time Management
Self-management is a significant factor influencing success in Sales. This has never been more so than in this current work from home environment. Do your Salespeople know how to maintain their mojo and time management skills while working from home? It is crucial for both the Salesperson and their Manager to have a Sales Process in place, keep to task and stay on a schedule. Equally as important, is ensuring these attributes are regularly measured and – updated!
4. Proper Planning
An update for planning skills is essential. This is because it shows how your Sales team intends to accomplish their goals. Effective Planners know the end goal and plan around achieving those goals. But even plans need updating. Does your Sales team know how to:
When it comes to Sales Competency, the tools to use to measure your Salespeople’s actions and results is a huge predictor of success. Salespeople who make it second nature to “own it”, that is take responsibility for their actions, grow both their skills as well as the organisation’s value and productivity.
6. Build the Emotional Contract
Updating how your Salespeople and Managers emotionally engage with their customers is vital. Do your Salespeople know how to:
Help their customers through the buying process?
Understand how to ease their customer into a comfortable conversation?
Communicate effectively, and efficiently?
Establish trust and gain a commitment?
Know when to speak and when to stay quiet?
7. Drive Decisions
Sales is about getting people to buy, so knowing how to encourage people to make a purchase is crucial. But first, your Salespeople need to know why people buy. And this “why” changes overtime. How will your Sales team know why their customers buy, without regular updates into their customer’s needs? Does your Sales Team need to update its Why Statement?
8. Emotional Intelligence
A vital Sales Competency of successful Salespeople is possessing a high Emotional Intelligence. That is, knowing how to manage their feelings as well as the feelings of other people. Controlling emotions requires clear self-awareness as well as self-confidence. But it also requires the skill of knowing how to “read” their customer’s behaviour. Updating your Salespeople’s understanding of others teaches them how to look for crucial cues. Ultimately, it provides them with a tool kit to “read” the behaviour of their customer throughout the entire sales relationship.
To UPDATE YOUR TEAM’S SALES COMPETENCIES Call KONA on 1300 611 288 for a conversation, or email anytime.
Your Selling Style has a massive impact on your Sales outcomes. A Selling Style is how you connect with the customer. Basically, how your actions impact and influence the customer’s decision making.
It is important to know the type of Salesperson you are. The primary reason for this is, once you step outside your comfort zone you are no longer in control. In other words, when you divert away from your natural operating style you become uncomfortable and therefore less efficient in your sales.
Bearing in mind we all have our own Selling Style, the question is, should Salespeople use the same approach with all their customers?
No! In our experience, the best Salespeople vary their “Selling Style” depending on the other person and the situation. Yes, questioning and listening, asking for the order, and product knowledge are all important. But equally, is knowing when to use each of these skills and techniques. That is what is known as Selling Style Flexibility.
Which of the 4 Selling Styles are You?
1. Repair Person
The Repairperson is technical by nature. These people won’t sell but they will talk “technical”.
The repairperson loves to help people and may end up making a sale, but with one caveat. The people they are dealing with have to be technical in nature, just like them. This is because they tend to be at their best when talking with someone in their same discipline. That is customers who are often engineers, accountants, computer analysts, or other technical professionals. Speaking with someone like-minded gives them a chance to demonstrate their excellent technical abilities and “repair” the other person’s problem.
Do you know how to manage the different selling styles of your salespeople?
Hunters thrive on seeking out new opportunities, opening new doors, and looking for the next opportunity. Their eyes and minds are always on the horizon looking for the neat kill. They are the best type to have around when your sales funnel is empty because of their “go and get ‘em” mentality.
When times are tight and Sales opportunities are at a low, the Hunter will forge into new Sales territories and find new opportunities. In good times, Hunters need to learn how to harness their drive and energy, so they farm their accounts and opportunities rather than always seeking out new prey. Hunters are decisive, bold, and blunt in their efforts to close a Sale.
The Shopkeeper has a pleasant personality and delights in helping people. These people like to be of service and helping others is their strong suit. The can often be found in retail, catalogue sales, or inbound tele-marketing. Shopkeepers feel they must be liked and respected by their prospects and may come across as being overly friendly. Shopkeepers are best suited for inside sales and putting them on the road is usually a mistake.
When it comes to sales techniques, the Shopkeeper does not like to be perceived as being pushy or aggressive and would prefer to make friends with customers than jeopardise the relationship by assertively moving the sale along to a conclusion. Shopkeepers don’t make a Sale – they wait for the customer to buy. Because of this, closing doesn’t come easy for the Shopkeeper.
Farmers thrive on nurturing and maintaining accounts or opportunities. Once given a Sales lead, these people spring into action, make contacts, burrow their way into the account, and work it.
Farmers often go out of their way to help customers because they believe in the value of maintaining an ongoing relationship with the customer.
Unlike the Hunter, Farmers are not galvanised into action by a sales slump. Once someone opens the door and the Sale, the Farmer will take it over and run with it. Smart Farmers realise this and will seek out assistance when their sales fields go barren.
Hi Garret, I just wanted to say thank you again for today the feedback I was given this afternoon was that it far surpassed what they expected and that it was completely different to expectations but it covered everything in such an immersive and engaging way. I hope you had a safe trip home. And I will be in touch for some more future training opportunities!
Erica Wilkinson
Pathways Business Manager
Thank you Garret Norris. Your dissemination of knowledge was inspiring, insightful, thought provoking and lot of Fun! Your ability to create a safe, relaxed & energetic environment in which to deliver & demonstrate your ideas and knowledge is remarkable! Made for lots of learning and had a positive impact on us all! Thank you
Melissa Peace
Strategic Partnership Expert
A fantastic 3 days, you had us engaged, interacting, learning and threw us out of our comfort zones in the best possible way. I echo what my colleagues have said below, all of which is 100% true. Implementing these three days into what we do is now the focus and I look forward to connecting again soon, and look forward to more sessions where we can continue to learn, develop and and thrive in what we do, whilst living and breathing our WHY. Still buzzing, thank you!
Hessa Robinson
Education Sales Manager
The team loved the day and were raving about it to our marketing colleagues and managers who were unable to make the session. Garret, you were an amazing and engaging presenter.”
Dominic Taafe
Oncology Portfolio Manager
Hi Garret, I would like to say thank you for your time and effort last week at the Martec sales conference. The session from you went beyond my expectations in both your delivery and the involvement from my team. Thank you once again!
Ken Dick
General Manager
Hi John,
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the sessions and contribution in our journey towards service excellence. The sessions were very well planned and relevant to our modus operandi. The team is very appreciative of your guiding principles and quick lessons from the sessions. The immediate display of the lessons learnt will be witnessed during our current peak time. I’m definitely a better listener now Thank you.
Aakanksh Nyayapati
Senior Analyst, IT Service Delivery
Again I found the training session really engaging, you can tell that Garret is very passionate about what he does. It may sound cheesy, but I left feeling inspired and refreshed.
Kimberly Britts
As always I thought Garret was amazing and motivational, great refresher and gave me some new ideas to try and apply to what I do. Always great to participate in these sessions.
Stuart Gill
Honestly I don’t think it matters his cost as always has something insightful and thought-provoking to leave you with no matter how many times you’ve seen him or your position or length of tenure.
I would love to see what he could offer the wider company (not just sales) from a psychology point of view because I feel that the provocation he provides is beneficial to all he comes in contact with. I really enjoy it because we just get each other.
Daniel Jura
Being relatively new to this industry I was a little apprehensive going into my company training day, I thought it may have been scientific and technical and it's an area where I feel a teeny bit inadequate. The relief I felt when Garret started "warming up" the room was ridiculous. He made everyone feel comfortable, relaxed and engaged. At times I feel we over complicate things to make ourselves feel more important or special. In the end, Garret reinforced the need to slow down, fully engage, leave the ego at the door and listen. This training is a must have for all teams, no matter the level. It will make you stop, think and love sales again. Can't wait until the next one.
Stacey Taylor
Account Executive
Garret Norris is a rock star coach. He has transformed our Inside Sales team.
Love his work!
David Piggott
Managing Director
Having just competed a national customised training program where we engaged Garret and KONA all I can say is thank you Garret does his homework and prepares.
The impact we were able to achieve with our teams in rolling out a game changer was fantastic. Thanks Garret appreciate the effort and the results to date.
Iain Whyley
National Sales Manager
It has been an absolute pleasure and privilege to participate in a number of Garret's training and skill enhancing workshops and I cannot recommend him highly enough. Even as an experienced sales professional I always learn new things from him, think harder about what I do, and become more effective in my role. Garret's presentation style is both unique and genuine, honest to the core, while his role play and coaching principles are easy to understand and extremely worthwhile.
For anyone who needs to hone or develop sales and negotiation skills Kona, and particularly Garret, are certainly the RIGHT choice.
Craig Alderson
Business Manager
As a sales and negotiation professional, I have been involved in a few courses. I am very impressed by the way Garrett gets to the point directly and I know he speaks from experience. He has lived it.
I would like to work with Garrett more in the future as I believe we speak the same language in business. I’ll be in touch soon. Thanks Garret.
Shane Campbell
Senior Key Account Manager
Garret and Healthy Business Builder has been a huge influence on our business and its staff, The results have drastically increased thanks to his techniques and on going support. Very impressed with the overall service and I look forward to continuing our partnership in the future. Highly Recommended.
Johnny Justic
Founder and Managing Director
If we have the opportunity to have more sessions, I think it would be very beneficial. I have found that the concepts presented and the skills we are working on are quickly delivering results and are relevant to us, not simply adapted from their usual clientele. He is much more engaging than other speakers we have had in the past, and from the way other members of the team have been speaking about him it’s a feeling and opinion shared by many others. Also : if he can turn skeptics like Palagy around, I feel that says something!
Rebecca Landers
Tax Depreciation Specialist
Thank you again for spending time with our team over past 2 days.
Some valuable tips learnt and looking forward to seeing the impact it has on our team moving forward.
Jeremy Sinclair
Team Leader, Business Development
Definitely the best training session I have attended (including my own ha ), I could relate to the methods conveyed to us very easily. Well done Garrett and look forward to another head bashing
Gary Tozer
Tax Depreciation Specialist
We certainly appreciate the time and effort and will be making sure we include some of the hints and tips into our processes moving forward.
Matt Jenkin
Team Leader, Business Development
I really thought Garret was brilliant, its not just about selling, its about getting the conversation started. I felt it was really good. I have started using some of the techniques already and adapting to my style.
1 – First call Thursday, did a different approach, lady called in, started the chat by tell me about the property, then went onto telling me the info on the house, I went over everything, she was sounding relaxed, got her remaining details and said “lets get this started today for you” response Great lets do it.
2 – next call was a guy, same style all went well, then the Cost question, Ï can get this for $660.00 from another company” My response, that’s great, Do you want to save $100 today or save $thousands more in deductions with us in the long term, slight silence, then said good point, went ahead!
Stewart Gill
Tax Depreciation Specialist
I enjoy his take on what to say to clients who have been given the wrong free from their accountant. He said not to apologise and don’t get stuck on it and simply say that the fee is $770 and that you’ll call the accountant afterwards to make sure they know the fee’s, but then move on straight away. It was refreshing to have an outsider’s perspective on that. I tried it yesterday and didn’t apologise to a client when the accountant gave them the wrong fee. Not sure if it was just luck, or if Garrett is a genius or if it made me sound more confident or what but she converted.
Sarah Jackson
Tax Depreciation Specialist
I was so impressed with your training programmes, I felt compelled to write to you in appreciation. Although it was blatantly obvious you were a professional outfit right from our first meeting, your services have far surpassed my expectations.
I have been in sales and sales management for 15 years with 5 different companies and have attended many quality-training programs. During this time I have never experienced a program that adapted its philosophies and methodology so succinctly with a companies industry, market, products and value proposition.
Ultimately! The test of any training program is the results it delivers. Since KONA has worked with James Hardie the sales effectiveness of the team has increased dramatically. But an even more noticeable improvement is the quality of leadership displayed by the sales management team.
Glen Doherty
General Manager Sales
Glenn Dobson is the most charismatic and inspirational sales training and business development coach I have ever had the pleasure of working with.
At times confronting, Glenn breaks down your current sales process and delivers honest direct feedback! With a thorough understanding of your customers, product and industry, Glenn provides you with the necessary tools and roadmap to be more effective in professional sales.
Glenn's material is all his own and is presented in an easy to understand format, tailored for your business. I look forward to working with Glenn in the future. Ps, all the best for the IronMan world champs Glenn!
Graham Winder
Not only has our partnership with KONA proven to be highly beneficial for our management team… it has also proven to be an enormous return on investment with sales improving by over 23%.
Mark Lucas
Director XEROX UK
I have enjoyed working with KONA several times.
KONA have worked with my sales team strategically to raise the bar on their performance and belief in their ability to deliver results.
As personal coaches the HBB Group have guided me through my career by reminding me to clear away the clutter and keep it simple Sam. Keep on running Glenn.
Frank Courtney-Jay
Sales and Marketing Manager HP Singapore
Next Business Solutions used the team at KONA to take us through their Hearts and Minds training. Great team at KONA of people who are not only very experienced their product but they also bring their people skills that have been developed through their extensive global activities.
Rob Clydesdale
Microsoft Next Business Solutions Franchisee
Garret is a true professional and constantly challenges the norm which creates the high performing teams we have at MLA.
Garret has lead and coached our team to deliver outcomes that make a difference.
The approach from Healthy Business Builder was unique to our business and it has proven to be successful for MLA.
I would highly recommend Garret for any other business wanting positive, successful outcomes for your business.
Lisa Sharp
Chief Marketing Officer
The KONA Group has provided excellent customised training and coaching for our managers and staff at Nova Employment. First of all the KONA team gave a vast amount of knowledge to our managers on how to manage their staff. They then educated the employment consultants on how to handle difficult employers when telemarketing for jobs, before also giving them the skills on how to hold a face to face sales meeting. KONA have increased our jobs by 50% ever since they have been providing Nova managers and staff training and coaching.
They are always willing to provide assistance when needed and are always available to call if we need any further help.
Their training has been very successful for our organization and has been able to put Nova Employment in an extremely strong position. I highly recommend the KONA training and coaching as they are very good mentors in providing the best outcomes.
Peter Delimitrou
Employment Service Manager
The development programmes have had an outstanding effect on our business and results, and on the way our sales people treat our customers.
Frank Morberger
State Manager
As a consequence of KONA’s efforts and commitment very quickly we have seen some explosive changes with the team through the introduction of various client focussed and sales strategies, measurements and skills. Their motivation, direction and activity have all increased… and we expect our profits to escalate accordingly.
Ian Crowther
General Manager
Glenn Dobson and Garret Norris are coaches that really stands out to me as they take pride in what they do and deliver. I first utilised KONA around 7 years ago when he evaluated our business which ended up delivering some hard hitting facts , as a result changes needed to be made BUT as a consequence of those initial chats KONA helped set up a sales pipeline where we could track our activity and results which led to a 300% increase in sales within the first 6 months of implementing his sales tools.I HIGHLY recommend KONA but don't want the world to know what they can provide a business as this will give other companies an unfair advantage like we have !Glenn is now a mentor, a friend and above all someone that inspires you to always achieve your best.
Keiran Hathorn
Managing Director
Glenn is high highly talented leader who has assisted us in defining industry leading strategy. I would recommend KONA to anyone requiring an honest, intelligent, strategic, motivating and hard working business leader.
Troy Dawson
Chief Information Officer
Dear Glenn
As we complete stage one of the Campbell’s and John Lewis learning and development programs, I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thankyou to you and the KONA team for all of your time, commitment and energy to the project.
The response from our managers and sales team has been absolutely outstanding and everyone has benefited immensely from your involvement.
I agreed with both Brian and Geoff at the time when they stressed the importance of developing a program tailored to our business and you more than achieved our expectations.
I know you invested a lot of time in preparation and the time you spent with our people out on the road, visiting customers, was obviously well worth it. Included in the feedback from participants from around the country are, amongst many others, the following quotes: “Already I am putting some of the new techniques we learnt into practise and getting results from them”
“ I now feel as if I have greater control and structure over my sales approach and customers”
“I am communicating with my customers like never before and they are telling me things about their businesses that prior to the course I didn’t have a clue about” “I am managing my people in a far more effective and productive way and I feel that I can now start to see the light at the end of the tunnel” Once again Glenn, thankyou very much for all of your efforts and I personally can’t wait for the next stage!
Kurt Wilson
National Training Manager
Since NOVA and KONA started working together we have almost doubled our results in less than 9 months!
I had identified a need for developing our sales skills, but KONA delivered so much more than sales training to our business. Glenn encouraged us to take a step back, analyse our methods and develop a performance culture. As a manager responsible for performance, I appreciated that he clearly and fearless articulated our performance gaps from an outsider’s perspective to our management team, helped us to reverse engineer our results so that we could clearly identify what was needed to achieve performance KPI’s, and delivered practical, real world and customised training based on our business.
I look forward to a continuation of our partnership with KONA and learning more to help NOVA move forward and be even more successful.
Anne Goyer
Training & Development Manager
KONA professional sales and sales management training has been an excellent educational journey on how to enter the Hearts and Minds of our customers and Shareholders. To become business resources and strategic advisors. To build a relationship that understands our customer’s hopes, fears, dreams and vision to create opportunities for future growth that we can be a part of. The course has been taught in detail that can easily be implemented and has brought the entire sales and management team at Plumbing World into focus looking to achieve a common goal. I highly recommend any time spent with the KONA Group.
Russell Thomas
Branch Manager
KONA Group’s services were used by Brickworks Ltd in the form of Sales Management training. Glenn is unlike any other in his ability to connect with the audience. Glenn motivated me so much during a session. I decided at that point I would change my life forever. There was a group of us, that very moment who decided it was a time for change. Glenn explained the model for change and by using this model, it was possible to increase your chances of success 10 fold in anything you wished to achieve. The change we wanted to make was a healthier lifestyle. We decided to embark on a weight loss challenge. Using the attributes of the model, many achieved their ideal weight within months. My personal journey has seen me continue with the challenge and have now lost 29kgs, with 10 kgs until I am at my ideal weight. My lifestyle is now very different, being very careful with what I eat, walking approximately 50kms per week and doing Crossfit 3 times a week. I am on the way to fantastic health. my dad said to me yesterday, son you are looking the best you have in 30 years. They were great words to hear considering I am only 44 years old. I am healthier, I am stronger than I have ever been, I am more motivated, I am more focused and feel like a real winner. I don't believe I could have achieved this without using Glenn's model for change. Thanks Glenn, I would not have been able to do this without you, you have changed my life.
Trevor Marshall
Sales Manager
I have been lucky enough to attend B2B sales training run by the KONA Group. I have found Glenn to bring the same drive and passion that he applies to Iron Man training across in his training sessions. His training is not something you could read straight out of a text book - there is no "turn to page three". Glenn delivers real world pointers that are applicable in the changing workforce of today. The tools that he gives you, help you go through the door to be become a true business/strategic partner for your customers. Without these tools you would be standing on the curb, looking in, being a 3 P flogger! I would highly recommend attending a training session if you get the opportunity.
Keith Geenty
Sales Representative
Glenn is one of those fearless "can-do" high achievers that every business needs. His team at KONA make a valuable blend of skills and experience that deliver Sales results fast and ongoing. The hands on approach makes the KONA business a Sales consultancy suited to SMB up to large corporate, because it is all about people and their activity. Highly recommended regardless how good you think you are!
Paul Scanlan
General Manager
I would like to recommend The Kona Group for sales training that is succinct and professional and works.
I would have to say that after the training that we had received we have noticed a huge difference to our KPI's and have made for the great results that we are now seeing.
Belinda Hamburger
Branch Manager
KONA has provided a unique sales program to the Sales Team at Plumbing World, with an in depth knowledge of the subject and passion for sales that has ensured that the key tools required to be a successful sale person and build business to business relationships has already started to occur in the company in only a short period of time.
Casey Stuart
Regional Manager New Zealand
KONA has a unique approach to sales training, which has allowed Plumbing World to make a significant step change with its sales team. The training is fully customised for Plumbing World, which is important, as the it has developed far more engagement and buy-in from the sales team. The results have been immediate, giving Plumbing World a better understanding of and relationship with, our customers. Leading to new accounts being opened and an increase in sales from existing customers. For example as a direct result of the KONA training, a customer who's spend had dropped away for the previous 12 months, has increased their spend 16 fold.
Mike Dyer
Sales & Operations Manager
I was so fortunate to be able to attend the KONA training workshop at the 4life office in Sydney in February. I cannot begin to tell you how motivating and inspiring I found it to be. You gave me tools that I can use for both my personal and business growth. You demonstrated in a very simple manner how to set short and long range goals that are attainable. As you said hope is not a business strategy.
The day spent training with you was so worthwhile I have been implementing some of the strategies and am passing it to my downline. I would recommend this workshop to anyone who is serious about business building.
Jyoti Sidhu
KONA has a passion for seeing both people and business's improve through the process of training and educating staff. They will encourage and coach the business and your people to become better at what they do and to improve your "bottom line.
I have known Glenn both professionally and as a friend for 13 years now, and I have no hesitation in recommending KONA as a Business professional and also as person who commits fully to whatever challenge, be it business or physical such, as Ironman triathlon or running across the Sahara desert.
Robert George
Team Leader Inventory Control
Following the reorganisation of the field sales force, the KONA Group provided a number of workshops and coaching sessions in order to improve the understanding of how the company was changing the way that it operated. KONA supported us with the change by building trust and gaining buy-in from the team. KONA did an excellent job of emphasising the role of the field force in developing new business and building the sales and performance culture.
Jonathan Shinn
Operations Manager
Glenn is one person who knows how cut through to the real issues facing sales organizations of today, unearth the real potentials of a market of opportunity and help managers develop their companies unique "point of difference" to increase sales beyond what they ever thought possible.
Glenn is a master coach for both business and life's goals.
Paul Winter
QLD State Manager
I had the pleasure of meeting Glenn Dobson through our participation in one of the toughest footraces on the planet, The Marathon De Sables. In the time we spent together leading up to the race I became quickly aware that Glenn was an extraordinary human being.
His athleticism and endurance not only humbled me but inspired me to push myself to peg new boundaries. Whilst Glenn's achievements in Ironman and other endurance events puts him in a very small minority group his drive, motivation, energy and business knowledge puts him amongst an even smaller elite group of people. I have been fortunate to have been a professional in the financial markets for close to 20 years and this has exposed me to a vast array of individuals, their ethics and work practices.
During this period I don't think I have meet a person with the focus and drive to consistently deliver quality outcomes to his clients and business associates. Having an opportunity to interact with Glenn on any level whether it be business or social is something that will ultimately make you a better person. I have been fortunate to have shared an extraordinary challenge with Glenn but have been as equally enriched by the relationship we now share as a result of the race.
Justin Gallagher
Head of Equities Sales Trading and Execution
During my tenure in the building and construction industry the KONA Group was engaged to help align the sales function with the business and marketing strategy - a major shift in how we presented to market. KONA’s Hearts and Minds program challenged past paradigms and equipped our sales resource with a robust sales strategy, along with sustainable sales management and tactical skills which continued to deliver year on year growth.
Linda Ginger
Marketing and Branding Director
Glenn Dobson is a rare individual worthy of being on anybody's list of potential mentors. Glenn is an entrepreneur, successful business-operator, world-class Ironman Triathlete, terrific father and rumour has it, a pretty good husband! We have worked together on various projects over the last decade and I continue to marvel at his pragmatic ability. Glenn is a master at taking any 'theory' in the field of sales and translating them into immediately applicable methods for any client. He truly understands that "Results Count" and has consistently been able to cut through the bullshit in our project work, for his clients and in his own businesses. If you ever wanted to see a living breathing example of a 'balanced' individual who exemplifies Covey's "Important vs. Urgent" Glenn is your man. Add to that Collins' "Disciplined (person), applying disciplined thought and taking disciplined action." and you've found yourself a winner! Good on you Glenn. You really are a role model.
James Michael
Founder and CEO
We have been very impressed with your capabilities and see you as a key player in rolling out our customer service programmes.
Andrea Westwood
Capability Development
Throughout my career with Commonwealth Bank I met several business coaches, but 'Glenn Dobson' is the only name that I don't need to challenge my memory to remember. Glenn is an amazing coach with unique techniques; structured and interactive. He is one of the most positive people I have ever met, his amazing achievements are certainly as a result of his dedication, his commitment and his 'can do' attitude.
Odette Shahnazari
I was introduced to the KONA Group some five years ago through a mutual and respected business contact. My first impression was that Glenn has a unique sense of purpose, he is driven, motivated and passionate about achieving results personally but also in supporting others to achieve beyond their own expectations.
Over the past five years I have witnessed KONA in many business scenarios including business consulting, change management projects, sales management projects and executive level leadership programs.
Glenn is a natural leader and a manager in these environments. People respond well to him and his down to earth style.
Personally Glenn has an engaging communication style, an unstoppable enthusiasm to exceed expectations and first class networking skills.
I am proud to call him a friend, colleague and business partner and would recommend you consider his services when required.
Susie Lomas
I have been in Glenn's training groups for the past 10 months, 4 to 5 sessions. I have found him to be a very enthusiastic speaker with a wealth of knowledge for us to take on board and work with. His presentation is hands on and easy to work with.
Working with KONA has had a huge impact on the Nova's business as we have increased results in some areas by between 50 -100%. I would highly recommend him and his business.
Glenn is one of those clients that truly partners with you and adds value back to you as a service provider. He's not a slave to his own views, nor is he a passenger in the process. He's very outcome focused and understands the core drivers of personality and individual values in achieving goals. That said, this is a man that no doubts lives by the virtue that profit, without honour, is loss. There's nothing manufactured or contrived about his work, quite simply he is inherently like this by nature. His background and experience speaks volumes. Over and above that he is a quality person.
Craig White
Glenn is an effective business owner and trainer, he is clearly passionate about his company and the services Kona provides. Glenn has an energy and enthusiasm that is both infectious and motivating, which leads to confidence in his delivery and professionalism.
Nick James
National Sales Manager
KONA Group facilitated several workshops at the Advanced Group of companies for both the sales and operations teams. They are highly motivational and provided the teams with tools and techniques to improve their ability to connect with customers in both business development and service delivery roles. KONA is very business focused and pragmatic and focuses on what gets results.
I would recommend KONA to any other business that is looking to improve their sales capability or turn their project managers and operations managers into customer champions.
Jonathan Shinn
National Operations Manager
You'll only meet one Glenn Dobson of this caliber. Glenn is an International Ironman, Businessman and Sales Guru. With an extensive career in sales across UK, Europe, Asia and Australia.
Glenn is a consummate professional who has 'been there and done it all' when it comes to competitive sales environments. Commercially aggressive, his ability to identify growth opportunities and drive activity to deliver results for his clients is astounding.
The energy and discipline required to compete as an athlete at the elite level is evident in everything he does. As a Speaker, Glenn is inspiring, direct and highly motivating. All his business engagements are conducted with the highest level of integrity and results are always the number one priority.
Sue Thompson
Business Manager
Glenn is a master at focusing the attention of any sales team, business owner or sales manager on the importance of having a strong sales pipeline to the future prosperity of any business. He lives and breathes what he teaches and is able to succinctly and very effectively impart his extensive knowledge of how to establish and then manage a sales pipeline that will continually deliver new and profitable business. If your business needs a significant improvement in its sales performance Glenn should be the first person that you contact.
I recommend him highly for any size business or corporate enterprise.
Daniel Watson
Managing Director
Glenn is one of those rare individuals that makes you feel positive about life, just by being in the same room with him. I have known Glenn for a couple of years now and I am constantly amazed at the total energy output this man has. A true strategic thinker who has the ability to spot a great idea and turn his skills into a passion that is so infectious. If you are considering getting alongside this true gentleman, then I would say that this is one of the best things you will do today, if not the week, month or even year.
Greg Gillespie
I have worked with the KONA Group for over 6 years and have found them to be some of the most consistent and driven people ever!
A dynamic trainers with a strong emphasis on activity and results, KONA has brought invaluable experience to my own, and my staff's training.
If you are involved in any Sales capacity, or are managing a team involved in Sales, then KONA Group is a "must call" individual.
Aaron Williams
Founder and Managing Director
Garrett and Sienna at KONA group, were absolutely fantastic from appointment right through to the follow up of initiatives post workshop. Both had communicated effectively prior to the workshop and made sure the day was a phenomenal success for our Leaders at Openmarkets Group. Most importantly, Garrett is very engaging and all our leaders were switched on throughout the session with some key insights. I highly recommend Garrett, Sienna and the KONA Group.
Heidi Mehl
Executive Assistant to CEO
Engaged Kona Group to deliver account training workshop for Etex - Siniat. Great collaborative approach to course preparation and workshop execution very effective and extremely engaging for all participants. Great job Garret!!
Joe Mori
National Business Development Manager
Right from my first call to the actual day of DiSC profiling session, the KONA group were fantastic and provided excellent service. Garret facilitated the session, and his delivery technique was impactful and valuable to all attendees.
Umesh Datwani
Operations Manager | Investment Services
Garrett is a great coach/mentor, it was an honour having him here, and the progress was WAYYY more than I had anticipated, so I am very thankful.Hope you guys have an awesome day, just like you! ☺
Hana Hellou
Customer Support Manager
I have recommended Garret and the team at Healthy Business Builder to many organisations I have worked with. Their methods constantly challenge the norm, creating and supporting high performing teams. Garret has lead and coached our team to deliver positive and sustainable outcomes that make a difference to our teams and stakeholders. The approach from Healthy Business Builder is unique to each business or organisation and it has proven to be successful time and time again. I have witnessed many dysfunctional teams make changes to the way they operate after sessions with Garret and it is such a delight to see our teams work collaboratively and cohesively. They begin to communicate in new ways due to the deeper understanding of how individuals operate, communicate and learn. I would highly recommend Garret and the team at Healthy Business Builder if you are wanting positive, sustainable and successful outcomes for your business.
Kathryn Emmett
Executive Assistant to Head of Asset Projects | Olympic DamExecutive Assistant to Head of Technical Portfolio
My team and I had the pleasure of hosting Garret for Sales Training and it was absolutely fantastic. A thoroughly enjoyable day as we tackled key concepts, engaged in role play and absorbed the benefit of Garret's extensive experience. We look forward to working with Garret and his team again in the future.
Melanie Pritchard
Group Manager - Digital Revenue
Truly the most insightful and relatable training/professional course I’ve had the pleasure to be a part of. Absolutely will leave a review - 5 stars
Narissa Chan
Senior Digital Account Manager
Garret took our team of 10 (experienced) sales consultants for the day looking at profiling and strategic sales techniques. It was motivating, insightful and fun. I wouldn't hesitate in recommending Garrett and Kona - we will be back.
Stephen Richards
Director Sales Marketing
Thank you for the most insightful and relatable professional workshop session. It was gratifying, and I feel empowered and more confident.
Thank you so much for delivering such a valuable and engaging session. It was certainly in the spirit we intended. I have had positive feedback, and the team mentioned how valuable they found your session specifically.
Ekta Manwal
HR Advisor
Thanks Garret Norris & the KONA Group for an awesome day yesterday! We learned a lot, but also has so much fun along the way. We look forward to working with you again.
Peg Vaghaye
Executive Manager, Broker Relationships
Thanks Garret Norris for a fun filled 2 days with not only lots of laughs but lots of valuable lessons on how to improve our skills when communicating with our customers and fellow work mates. I know all of us are excited about putting all we’ve learnt into practice.
Heather Priest
Head of Sales APAC at Altura Learning
Garret has a gift which enables him to connect and engage with everybody in the room. Although he is very accomplished, he is very down to earth and uses his Irish charm and humour to put everyone at ease. His delivery of the training was excellent and kept our groups attention for the whole 2 days which is no easy feat! The tools learned in the workshop re-ignited my passion for the sales environment - which is exactly what I was hoping for. All feedback from our team was positive and I would not hesitate to recommend Garret and his team.
Jaime Reid
Senior Business Development & Training Manager
Excellent session with you both Garret and John. Really appreciate the insights into delivering a better experience for all parties involved in a negotiation. Couldn't recommend KONA enough for anyone looking to enhance their Sales and Negotiation capability.
Luke Day
Business Development Lead
Thanks so much Garret Norris and John Wright. It was great training and the team have been talking about it all week. Just what we needed! We will definitely be getting KONA back again!
Judy Cole
Managing Director
Garret delivered some sales training for our team in Brisbane. We are a specialist recruitment agency with people of various experience levels. He was able to tailor an engaging session that everyone was able to benefit from. Thanks Garret!
Forrest Briggs
Principal Consultant & Director
The training that was provided by KONA and delivered by Garret was second to none. I believe my team and I have learned a lot over the training and have had a lot of positive feedback from them.
Benjamin Helmore
Branch Manager
This was a fantastic few days, thank you Garret.
Donavan Derman
Garret's Sales Communication Training delivered a strategic advantage to our team, who are now equipped with the practical tools needed to drive customer success.
Robert Guerin
Chief Executive Officer
Very interesting/enlightening experience. Quite surprising to receive and witness such accurate profiling of each individual's DISC Profile.
Mitchell Jeggo
Operations Manager
Hey Garret. Just a quick word of thanks. My time on the road with my team has become so much more intentional and productive. One thing I hear when I ask about what they want from the meeting is they say things they want to share. I am getting them to ask what do they hope to learn and discover from the meeting. Anyway just saying again, you have helped me.
Marco de Geus
General Manager - Sales
Really enjoyed our group training day. Learned some interesting insights about myself & colleagues.
Betty James
Senior Marketing Specialist
I couldn't speak any higher of Garret and his team! To gain the trust in our team and instil such empowerment so quickly, is incredible! The ongoing support and encouragement following the training has been wonderful and invaluable. To anyone looking for sales or leadership training for yourself or your business, this team is the best I've ever come across!
Samantha Sullivan
Sales & Marketing Manager
Very down to earth and very easy going.. extremely informative and made the day fun. Thank you greatly.
Adam Carr
Supagas Australia
I've had the good fortune of being trained by Garret on two separate occasions - firstly as a sales agent & later as a leader. His highly engaging delivery, backed by his extensive knowledge is inspiring & insightful. I will always be grateful to Garret at the Kona Group for re-igniting my passion for sales & mentorship.
Gary Lawson
Senior Sales Development Manager
We had the pleasure of John at KONA facilitating some DISC training at our workplace. The group was cohort of different leadership levels at a federal government department. John's expertise and engaging teaching style made the half day thoroughly enjoyable. His real-world examples and interactive approach kept everyone involved and provided valuable insights into team dynamics and personal communication styles. Highly recommend John and KONA for professional development needs!
Jahn Giolitto
Assistant Director
My favourite session at mid-cycle was the guest speaker Garret Norris. It boosted my motivation & made me rethink the way I have conversations in scoping calls with potential customers. I came out of that session with new skills in communication & questioning and found it really valuable as someone new to the sales world.
Natalia Henderson
Pharmacy Business Consultant
Fantastic hands-on coaching by Garret. Really appreciated the wealth of insights and strategies from Garret’s breadth of experience working with other businesses that we can reference. Highly recommended to anyone who would like to improve their external engagement or sales skills!
Lily Che
Senior UX/UI Designer
Thanks Garret, the team really appreciate everything that you did, it was extremely informative, you made the role play interesting and comments from our team that have been on sales courses before, "The best sales course they have ever done.” Our focus now is to put some of these techniques into play!
David Arndell
General Manager
It is really easy to improve our teams communications and ability to work as a team..... when you have a competent, engaging and professional facilitator delivering a message like "Communication and response". Garret Norris certainly gave our team at Rural Financial Counselling Service NSW - Northern Region access to the tools that they need to go forward in meeting our vision with enthusiasm! On behalf of the team.... Thank you Garret!!!
Gary Goldberg
CEO RFCS NSW - Northern Region
One does seldom come across a presenter that builds value, brings real world examples and enables you to be pushed in an environment that is not only safe but also fun. Garret's style is fitting and relevant to the world of today's customers and practices. In my career, I have been to a number of these sessions and left with a textbook approach. However, after spending time with Garret I have a new toolbox of solutions that enable me to best serve my customer and provide true value for all parties. If you're wanting a change approach and down to earth sense of fun with serious outcomes you cannot go past his sessions, real world examples and genuine impromptu approach.
Wade Bailey
Sales & Operations Management
An excellent few days of genuine, modern sales training and workshops. Garret has just the right demeanour to engage the room, providing new tools and sharpening existing ones, all whilst having a bit of fun.
Gareth Spencer
National Sales Manager
✨️"The quality of communication, can only be measured by the response you receive" - G. Norris.
Today, I had the privilege of participating in an incredible Account Management and Sales Training session delivered by Garret Norris. The experience was both insightful and inspiring, with practical strategies and techniques tailored to drive impactful client relationships and sustainable business growth.
What truly stood out was the focus on understanding personality profiles using hashtag #DISC, tailoring our conversations to suit, fostering trust, and aligning solutions to create value. The interactive approach and actionable takeaways made it not just a training session but a transformational experience. A huge thank you to Garret Norris and team for delivering such a well-structured and engaging program. I’m excited to implement these strategies in my work and continue refining the skills shared today. To those seeking to elevate their account management or sales expertise, I highly recommend The KONA Group. Let’s keep growing and delivering value together!
Michelle Koch
Strategic Relationship Manager
This is the first time we've worked with Garret, but it won't be the last. Garret's engaging style is totally relevant to today's market conditions. Our team left energized with many insights on how to grow and create business opportunities. Would highly recommend working with Garret and his team.
Our team of expert coaches and trainers are dedicated to crafting personalised strategies that align with your unique goals and aspirations. We have the tools and expertise to guide you towards greatness.
By contacting us, you are taking the first step towards transforming your team and achieving the extraordinary.
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