Why Activity and Accurate Calculations are Vital

What happens to a sales leader who submits bad forecasting? A POSITION I NEVER WANT TO FIND MYSELF IN!!!

The consequences for a sales leader who consistently submits inaccurate or bad forecasting can vary depending on the company, its policies, and the severity of the forecasting inaccuracies.

Performance Reviews: In many companies, sales leaders are evaluated based on their ability to meet or exceed sales targets, and accurate forecasting plays a significant role in this. Consistently submitting bad forecasts that lead to missed targets will result in negative performance reviews, which could impact bonuses, promotions, or job security.

Reprimands and Warnings: The sales leader will receive formal reprimands or warnings from higher management or HR if their forecasting inaccuracies are affecting the company’s performance and financial results.

Loss of Credibility: Repeatedly providing inaccurate forecasts WILL erode the sales leader’s credibility within the business, making it difficult to gain trust.

Coaching and Training: Some companies may offer additional coaching, training, or support to help the sales leader improve forecasting skills (if you are lucky!!!). 

Reassignment: If the forecasting inaccuracies have a significant negative impact on the company’s performance, the sales leader may be reassigned to a different role within the business, potentially with reduced responsibility (if you are lucky!!!!).

Termination: Let’s face it, persistent and severe forecasting inaccuracies that have a substantial detrimental effect on the company’s financial health and reputation most likely will lead to the termination of employment. Aside from the obvious “self-preservation” motives, accurate forecasting is vital for the business. If your sales teams forecasting is not accurate it will have negative consequences for you and your business.

Revenue Shortfalls: Inaccurate sales forecasts will lead to revenue shortfalls if the actual sales results fall significantly short of what was predicted. This will impact the company’s financial stability and profitability.

Overstock or Understock Issues: If you as the leader submit overestimated demand, it can result in overstocking of products, tying up capital in excess inventory. Conversely, underestimating demand can lead to understocking, causing missed sales opportunities and customer dissatisfaction.

Resource Misallocation: Poor sales forecasting will lead to misallocation of resources. For example, if your business invests heavily in production or marketing based on over-optimistic forecasts, it may lead to wasted resources and increased costs.

Inventory Costs: Inaccurate forecasting can result in higher carrying costs for excess inventory or increased costs for expedited orders to fill unanticipated demand.

Customer Dissatisfaction: If salespeople promise products or services that you cannot deliver due to inaccurate forecasting, it will lead to customer dissatisfaction, damaging the company’s reputation and customer relationships.

Cash Flow Issues: Revenue shortfalls due to poor forecasting can affect a company’s cash flow, making it difficult to meet financial obligations.

Strategic Missteps: Poor sales forecasting can lead to misguided strategic decisions, such as expanding into new markets or discontinuing products prematurely based on unreliable data.

Loss of Credibility: If a company consistently misses its sales forecasts, it can erode the confidence of investors, lenders, and other stakeholders, making it more challenging to secure funding or support for future initiatives.

To mitigate these consequences, businesses often invest in improving their sales forecasting processes, utilising data-driven approaches, technology, and regular communication between sales teams and other departments to ensure more accurate and reliable forecasts. Additionally, ongoing training and coaching for salespeople can help improve their forecasting skills and accuracy.

Even the slightest miscalculation or wrong activity can have a catastrophic effect

One degree of latitude equals approximately 364,000 feet (69 miles), one-minute equals 6,068 feet (1.15 miles), and one-second equals 101 feet. One-degree of longitude equals 288,200 feet (54.6 miles), one-minute equals 4,800 feet (0.91 mile), and one second equals 80 feet.

Therefore, if I got on a plane from Sydney, Australia, to London, England and the pilot was out by one degree, where would I end up? It’s 10,559.57 miles or (16,993.98 km). 

If you were one degree to the north of your intended course, you might end up in a location somewhere to the north of London, such as Scotland or another part of the United Kingdom. If you were one degree to the south of your intended course, you might end up in a location to the south of London, possibly in France or another part of Europe. 

Sydney to London Travel route.

Consequences of a slight miscalculation: 

Miscalculations can be disastrous. From bridges collapsing, buildings leaning to one side, machinery malfunctioning, and significant financial loss, the consequences of miscalculations can be catastrophic. 

Importance of accurate calculations: 

  • Essential for the safety and reliability of products
  • Fix small issues before they become major problems
  • Avoid issues arising
  • Avoid financial losses 

Some Notable Examples of Slight Miscalculations having Catastrophic Effects 

Mars Probe Lost due to simple Mathematical Error

NASA lost its $125-million Mars Climate Orbiter because spacecraft engineers did not convert from English to metric measurements when exchanging critical data before the craft was launched. 

A navigation team at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory used the ‘millimeters and meters’ in its calculations, while Lockheed Martin Astronautics, who designed and built the spacecraft, provided vital acceleration data in the English system of ‘inches, feet and pounds’.

Due to this, JPL engineers confused acceleration readings measured in English units of pound-seconds for a metric measure of force called newton-seconds. 

Mars probe lost due to mathematical error.

The Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill 

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill was a catastrophic failure that had long-lasting effects on the environment and livelihoods of thousands of people. On 20th April 2010, the oil rig exploded, killing 11 workers and causing one of the largest oil spills in history.

The cause of the disaster was traced back to faulty cement used to seal the well that was being drilled. The cement was not strong enough, and oil was able to flow through the well and into the ocean. The disaster was worsened by inadequate safety measures and equipment failure.

This disaster acts as a reminder of the importance of safety measures and high-quality materials. The use of lower quality materials, combined with insufficient safety measures, can result in catastrophic events with long-lasting consequences.

Oil spill acts as a reminder of the importance of safety measures and high-quality materials.

The NASA Challenger Explosion

The Challenger explosion was another devastating disaster in the history of space exploration. On the 28th of January, 1986, the NASA Space Shuttle Challenger exploded just 73 seconds after liftoff, killing all seven crew members.

The cause of the Challenger explosion was traced back to a rubber O-ring that failed to provide a proper seal in one of the solid rocket boosters. The design of the O-ring was flawed, and NASA had been warned about the danger of a devastating failure before the launch. Still, the launch went ahead, leading to the disaster.

The key takeaway from this disaster is the importance of proper design and thorough testing. If the O-ring was designed correctly, or had NASA listened to the warnings, the Challenger explosion could have been prevented. 


It’s important to recognise that while slight miscalculations or errors can have negative consequences, they are a part of the human experience and can often be corrected or mitigated.

It’s essential to learn from these mistakes, take corrective actions, and implement safeguards to minimise the likelihood of future errors. In some cases, attention to detail, quality control measures, and simply double-checking calculations can help prevent miscalculations and their potential consequences. 

Contact KONA today to discuss how we can help you avoid a miscalculation and keep your sales team on track! Call 1300 611 288 or Email info@kona.com.au

Common Mistakes During a Negotiation and How to Avoid Them

Why did the bad negotiator bring a ladder to the meeting?

Because they wanted to reach a “higher level” of agreement!

Don't let poor negotiation skills leave you in check.

Negotiations are complex and often challenging. The pressure in a negotiation can cause even the best negotiators to make mistakes. All successful managers and salespeople need to negotiate at some point or another, and it won’t make your job any easier if you don’t know how to negotiate effectively. For instance, you may be unable to solve problems that other negotiators can solve easily.

Negotiation Training can benefit your sales team by equipping them with the skills to secure better deals, build stronger relationships, improve profitability and avoid negotiation mistakes.

 We will look into 6 common mistakes made in negotiation and how they can be prevented.

Poor Preparation

As the old adage goes, “If you fail to plan you plan to fail.”

Just knowing what you want going into a negotiation is not enough. You need to plan and prepare. 

Going into a negotiation well prepared will make you feel more confident, and will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge of the topic.

Not to mention, you will be less likely to forget something if you are prepared.

A good rule of thumb is to include everything in the negotiation from the beginning. It’s a lot more difficult to add new conditions or demands once the negotiation has already taken place.

  • Practice your pitch
  • Clarify your reasons or arguments 
  • Think about what the other party is likely to say
  • Consider what you’re prepared to compromise on
  • Bring your notes with you

Failing to Build Rapport

Building rapport with your opponent in a negotiation is a strategic move that can significantly impact the outcome. It paves the way for more productive and cooperative negotiations.

You’re more likely to reach a mutually beneficial agreement if you establish a good relationship early in the negotiation process.

If you are unable to build rapport in a negotiation, you are less likely to be able to:

  • Establish Trust
  • Have open communication
  • Reduce Tension
  • Solve Problems
  • Overcome Deadlocks
  • Persuade

Poor Listening Skills

Poor listening skills in a negotiation can have detrimental effects on the negotiation process and its outcome.

To be a successful negotiator, you have to listen to the other person.

Avoid things like:

  • Interrupting
  • Ignoring what the other person is saying
  • Rushing or impatience
  • Being defensive

Good listening skills in negotiation can help you to learn what the other person wants and verify how far apart your positions are.

Not Establishing Your BATNA

Your “BATNA” or “Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement” should be established before you enter into a negotiation.

Your main goal in negotiation is to get what you want, but you also have to determine what your next-best alternative would be. This way, you can ensure you know when it’s best to walk away.

Having a BATNA means you can push harder during a negotiation, and potentially even get a better outcome than expected, because you’ve stayed open-minded.

Sellers BATNA and Buyers BATNA.

Making Assumptions

Another common mistake in negotiations is to make assumptions.

Making false assumptions in a negotiation can lead to:

  • Misunderstandings
  • Biased Decision-Making
  • Inflexibility
  • Missed Opportunities

Instead, go into a negotiation assuming that nothing is off the table – this way, you will have more options.

Focusing only on Price

Going into a negotiation focusing only on price is a negotiation mistake, because you risk backing yourself into a corner.

Of course, many negotiations, especially in business, have a monetary aspect. And price is important, but often, it is only part of a deal.

So, what else could you negotiate? Consider other factors such as:

  • Adding additional services
  • Improving contract terms
  • Timing
  • Quantity or Volume
Value vs. Price in a negotiation. Focus on value.

Successful negotiations require preparation and a clear understanding of what both parties aim to achieve.

Although you want to secure the best deal, negotiations are not just about winning. There are many other factors that come into play.

Next time you need to negotiate, consider if you could be making a negotiation mistake that may cost you your desired outcome.

How much is poor negotiation costing you? Contact KONA to discuss tailored negotiation training for your sales team.

Call 1300 611 288 or Email

7 Common Sales Mistakes and How to Avoid them

Most people would agree that making a mistake is okay, as long as we learn from it and don’t make the same mistake again. Sales is no exception.

Too often we see salespeople who are confused as to why they are not converting leads. More often than not, we find that it’s because the sales team are making the same sales mistakes over and over. This is usually because they aren’t aware they are making a mistake.

Here is a list of 7 common sales mistakes we typically see, and how they can be avoided.

Making a mistake is okay, as long as we learn from it.

7 common sales mistakes

1. Poor Listening Skills

It’s common in sales for salespeople to over-explain their product or service.

When you are talking, you’re not listening to the needs and pain points of your customer. It’s important to find the right balance between talking and listening, but generally you should be listening more than you are talking.

Studies have shown that it is best for salespeople to allow their customers or prospects to speak for 57% of the time. In order to achieve this, or somewhere thereabouts, you should be asking quality questions. Then you can let your prospect take it from there.

For more on Listening Skills – Hearing ‘aint listening! – The Sales Expert | Podcast on Spotify

2. Not being Solution-Focused

Being solution-focused is about understanding your customer’s needs and problems and demonstrating how your offering can address those issues effectively.

Nowadays, most customers do their own research before talking to a sales rep, so usually they already know of the features that your product has to offer.

Before pitching, establish the pain points of your customer, and display your product as the solution.

3. Discussing Features and Benefits, but not Value

Many salespeople make the mistake of only pointing out a product’s features and benefits, rather than value.

Remember that value doesn’t always mean price. Think about the value your product will have to your prospect. For example:

  • Will it give them peace of mind?
  • Will it help them save time?
  • Will it improve their health or wellbeing?
  • Will it provide them with safety or security?

4. Poor Closing Skills

We often see Salespeople spending too much time focusing on how they are going to present their pitch, rather than focusing on the actual sale. The most important part of the sales process is to convert leads – turn a prospect into a customer – that’s what you should be focused on.

That’s not to say that your sales presentation doesn’t play a part in the sales process, but the key is: solving the customer’s problem.

You have to ask a prospect to buy. It’s important not to let distractions steer you away from your main goal of closing the deal.  

The importance of objection handling skills in sales.

5. Unable to Handle Objections

As a salesperson, what should you do when you hear the words ‘No’, or ‘Not right now’?

  • Don’t get disheartened
  • See it as an opportunity, not a rejection
  • Show that you are open to hearing their questions or concerns
  •  Be honest when answering their questions

Objections in sales are inevitable. Your customer has to be certain before they purchase, and as the salesperson, it’s your job to ease their concerns.

Be aware of the most common objections that you hear and address them in your pitch before the prosect brings them up. Doing so can prevent objections from derailing the conversation.

Remember that objections are a natural part of the sales process, and skilled objection handling can turn a “no” or “not right now” into a “yes.” Building trust and providing solutions are key to overcoming objections and closing deals.

6. Over Promising

Overpromising and underdelivering in sales can have significant negative consequences for both the salesperson and the business. It can result in:

  • Loss of Trust: Overpromising can erode trust with the customer. If you make grandiose claims that you can’t deliver on, customers will quickly lose confidence in your product or service and may even feel deceived.
  • Damaged Reputation: Word of mouth is a powerful force in business. If customers feel they’ve been misled by overpromising, they may share their negative experiences with others, damaging your company’s reputation.
  • Unhappy Customers: When you fail to meet the expectations you’ve set, customers will likely be disappointed.

7. Can’t get past the “Gate Keeper”

You have to be able to meet with the decision maker early in the sales process to make a successful sale – but this doesn’t mean you can’t talk to other parties involved.

During the sales process you will come across many people, who most of the time, will take you to the decision maker. It is a waste of time not to identify the right people to talk to.

Some tips to getting past the gatekeeper include:

  • Treat gatekeepers with respect. They often have an important role within the business and can be influential. A positive first impression can go a long way.
  • Build rapport with the gatekeeper. This may involve multiple interactions where you provide value or insight that benefits their role or the business.

It can be hard to avoid the occasional mistake, but keeping these tips and strategies in mind can help salespeople to minimise their chances of making a mistake that could cause damage to their reputation or that of the business.

You have to be able to get past the gatekeeper early in the sales process to make a successful sale.

Ensure your Sales Team aren’t making these Common Mistakes

The KONA Group: If you want to improve your sales team and give them the tools they need for success, learn more about working with us here.

Our Sales Training Programs: Join the salespeople and leaders who dramatically shifted their results with KONA Sales Training, and continue to smash sales records and generate raving fans. They call it an ‘unfair advantage’. To us, it’s simply learning to love sales and your customers again. Learn more here.

You don’t sell B2B, You don’t sell B2C, YOU SELL H2H

I remember as a child growing up in Wicklow, Ireland, going into my Dad’s office and he was looking perplexed. I said, “What’s wrong Dad?” At which point he reached over and picked up a large pile of official looking pieces of paper and said, “Garret, if you ever go into business, please remember that irrespective of what we sell, we deal with people first. If we lose sight of the need to emotionally contract with the other person, we lose sight of how we should sell and help.”

He went on to explain that the document was a contract that he needed to

go through as the business he was working for didn’t listen to the needs and wants of his customer and just kept quoting the contract.

We don’t sell B2B or B2C we sell H2H.

Garret Norris – KONA Group CEO

Too often we hear businesses referring to their interactions as B2B (Business to Business) or B2C (Business to Consumer), but what do all of these transactions have in common?

That at the core of them all, there are humans.

So, what does a H2H sales approach mean?

Selling H2H (human to human), means focusing on understanding the needs, challenges, and goals of the people you are selling to. It involves effective communication, active listening, and tailoring your solutions to address their specific needs.

H2H selling creates emphasis on personal connections, empathy, and relationship-building. It’s about recognising that behind every sales interaction, whether B2B or B2C, there is a person who makes decisions, and building meaningful relationships with those individuals is crucial for successful sales.

With this in mind, how can you tailor your approach to begin selling H2H? Here are 10 tips when selling H2H:

You don't sell B2B, you don't sell B2C, you sell H2H - Human to Human.

1. Authenticity

Building trust and rapport with customers requires authenticity.

People want to connect with real people, not faceless corporations.

Sharing your company’s story, values, and culture can help to create a genuine connection with customers.

Authenticity not only builds trust and credibility with customers but also helps salespeople establish meaningful and lasting relationships with their clients.

2. Personalisation

Have you ever had a salesperson or company personalise a product or service to you?

If you have, you will know how it made you feel, and how you were more inclined to use that product or service.

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,

but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

Tailor your marketing and customer interactions to individual preferences and needs.

Use data and technology to provide personalised experiences that show you understand and care about each customer. Some benefits of taking the time to personalise your sales pitch include:

  • Making your pitch stand out from others
  • Adds a ‘Human touch’ making it less ‘robotic’
  • Shows the client that you understand their needs and goals

3. Communication

Effective communication is essential in sales. It’s important to engage in two-way conversations with your audience.

  • Respond promptly to inquiries and feedback
  • Actively seek out customer input and suggestions

If you would like to know more about how the

KONA Group can help you grow your business, click here.

4. Emotional Connection

Connect with your audience on an emotional level. Show empathy, compassion, and understanding. People are more likely to support businesses that align with their values and emotions.

Businesses that create strong “emotional contracts” with their customers develop a high level of trust, which overtime, increases revenue due to repeat purchases.

5. Transparency

Be transparent about your products, services, and business practices. Honest and open communication builds trust and credibility.

Putting ourselves in the customers shoes, when we purchase any product or service from a business, we expect honesty.

Customers don’t want to be misled, no matter how small the detail may be.

Be authentic and transparent during the sales process.

6. Storytelling

Share stories that resonate with your audience. Storytelling is a powerful way to convey your brand’s mission, values, and impact.

To be an exceptional salesperson these days, it requires more than product knowledge and data; you also need the ability to wrap the data in relevant stories.

Storytelling in sales allows you to bring more genuine emotion, trust, and connection into the process.

7. Customer-Centric Approach

Put the customer at the centre of everything you do. Make it easy for customers to reach out, provide feedback, and get support. Continuously improve based on their needs and preferences.

Being customer-centric makes it easier for customers to make purchases and can actually make customers want to purchase. Word of mouth is a powerful tool in sales, and if word gets around that you provide excellent customer service, it can lead to more referrals and ultimately more sales.

Put the customer at the centre of everything you do.

8. Community Building

  • Foster a sense of community around your brand.
  • Encourage customers to connect with each other and with your team.
  • You can do this through social media, forums, events, the list goes on.

9. Long-Term Relationships

Focus on building long-term relationships rather than just making one-time sales. Loyal customers who feel connected to your brand are more likely to stay and advocate for your business.

10. Feedback Loop

Establish a feedback loop to gather and act on customer feedback. This demonstrates that you value their opinions and are committed to improving their experience.

Asking for feedback can help to uncover new opportunities within client relationships and reduce customer complaints because you will be promptly reacting to their needs.

In the end, whether you’re selling to other businesses or directly to consumers, the H2H approach underscores the importance of human connection, empathy, and building lasting relationships.

It’s a mindset that can help businesses thrive in today’s customer-centric and highly competitive marketplaces.

Want to know more about KONA’s H2H Selling approach and

how you can implement this mindset in your business?

Call 1300 611 288 or Email

6 Good and Bad Assumptions made by Salespeople – Updated

In sales, assumptions should be used as starting points for understanding the prospect’s needs and situation. However, it’s vital for salespeople to be adaptable and willing to adjust their assumptions based on the information they gather during the conversation. There are key skills salespeople can work on to help them make better assumptions and build stronger relationships with their prospects.

Too often people assume that in Sales, assumptions are bad. That itself is a bad assumption. A poor Sales assumption at that.

Assumptions are great. We need to make assumptions.

Assumptions assist us in setting a direction, they give us something to aim for or a place to go. But indeed, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. That is, we must remember, there are two types of assumptions in Sales. Positive and False.

An assumption is something we take for granted, and when this turns out to be false, we call it a false assumption. There are numerous false assumptions people in sales might make. For example, a salesperson might falsely assume that a client’s problems are easy to fix. Not to the client they are not!

So, with both positive and false Sales assumptions in mind, here we have gathered for you a list of 6 Good and Bad assumptions made by Salespeople, and how to turn those assumptions into result driven activity with serious ROI!

If you’d like to discuss how KONA can help you improve your Sales Team,

you can reach out about working with us here.

Positive Sales Assumptions

My Best Price Really is my Best Price

 When a client asks the question, “Is that your best price?” why do we reply, “Let me see if I can do better”? In KONA’s Negotiation Skills Workshops, we do an exercise where 80 percent of the participants caved when asked that question. You need to go to the negotiating table with the assumption that you are presenting your lowest price. But then again, why are you selling on price? Why aren’t you selling solutions? Make things happen!

Making assumptions can be a positive thing in sales.

This is going to be a Great Day

Eternal optimists are indeed wonderful to be around.

Everyday has something good in it! Why would you get out of bed if you did not believe this assumption?

“If I sell hard this month, it will grow my sales three months from now”. True. There is very little you can do to affect your sales this month. It is what it is. But what about the next few months?

You should be working on your sales three to six months in advance. String together three months’ worth of hard prospecting and combine it with the above “This is going to be a great day” assumption and you will have something to look forward to. That is, Sales! Make things happen!

THE PESSIMIST SAYS ½ Empty THE OPTIMIST SAYS ½ Full THE SALESPERSON SAYS “Let’s talk about the benefits of ice”

I don’t know everything

The sooner you acknowledge that, the smarter you already are. You can always, always, learn something new and improve your sales efficiency. No matter how well you are handling your time management, there is always time to grow your knowledge. There is always fat on that bone. However, this assumption is a curse every bit as much as it is a blessing.

"I am always doing that which I cannot do in order that I may learn how to do it. Pablo Picasso #Learn #Quote.

Just because you could work harder does not mean you should. As much as it is important to “not just sit there, do something!” it is also important to “not just do something, sit there!”. Everyone gets the same number of hours in a week. If you are being outsold by a competitor or even by someone in your office, a part of the reason why comes from the fact that the other salesperson is more efficient with their Sales time or is trying something new that they learnt. Go and make new things happen!

Negative or False Sales Assumptions

A bad assumption is a bad strategy.

My Customers aren’t happy with their business

Wrong. If they were not, they would have already changed. Your job is to help them see why it is worth doing things differently. Focus only on what is relevant, actionable, and valuable to your prospect.

Help them envision how your solution will get them to their goals with greater ease. Leverage what you already know about your customers to ask better questions, deepen conversations, and establish credibility. Build that Effective Communication!

Through Effective Communication, that is Quality Questioning and Active Listening, you can demonstrate familiarity with your prospects’ business, processes, industry, issues and challenges to set yourself apart from the competition. Experiment with creative ways to get your customers saying, “Hmmm, that’s interesting. I’d like to learn more.” Make things happen!

There’s no point leaving a voicemail message

Here is an eye opener – voicemails actually hold a lot of value. For many, voicemail is considered a black hole of selling and a waste of time. But you in fact can gain a lot by leaving a professional message. Instead of thinking that your words are falling into the abyss, why not make the assumption that you are auditioning for the job? Every word, every inflection, every nuance is being scrutinised. Now, instead of leaving a bland voicemail message or worse, just hanging up, you see voicemail as a chance to demonstrate your selling skills as well as your persistency. Better preparation yields not only a better sales call, it also results in a better voicemail. Make things happen!

Voicemails lead to call back statistics.

I hope I fill my Pipeline this week

Hope is Not a Sales Strategy! Nor is it a business strategy. Or a success story strategy.

It is not a strategy for anything that requires a result.

There is only one strategy for Sales, business, success, results – and that is ACTIVITY. Activity drives results. That is it. It is that simple.

The cost of follow up calls graph.

The more active you are the bigger and stronger your pipeline. The FOUR specific activities you need to look at immediately for your pipeline growth:

  1. A clearly defined Sales Process
  2. Spending at least three hours per month on Pipeline Management
  3. Training Sales Managers on Pipeline Management
  4. Implementing Power Hour
The old adage says when you assume, you make an “ass” out of “u” and “me.”

So, pick your correct assumption and make it work. The old adage says when you assume, you make an “ass” out of “u” and “me.” – that is crap. That only happens if you do not validate the assumption before you act on it. If you validate it, there are no asses, rather there is just two people (you and your customer) on the same page ready to make things happen.

Now go make things happen – start by getting your team ahead of the competition!

Contact KONA today on 1300 611 288 for a confidential conversation or

email info@kona.com.au

The Best Australian Sales Training Providers according to Google

Google, Google on the wall, who is the best Sales and Leadership Trainer of them ALL?

A great deal of research is conducted into many industries, but the Sales Training industry seems to be left to its own devices.

Unless the “unsuspecting” business leaders do the research that I have done below, they are potentially hiring people with no background or track record. Also, there are no governing bodies to help them.

Many so called “sales trainers” are people who couldn’t cut it and then decided to set up a “training” business. Most only last a few months, but long enough to do real damage to an important industry.

Determining the best sales and leadership training company can depend on your company's needs.

Determining the “best” sales and leadership training companies can be subjective and may depend on specific needs, preferences, and the industry you’re in. However, I can provide you with a list of 14 reputable companies in Australia along with some reasons why they are well-regarded:

KONA has a 5 star google rating with 25 reviews.

1. The KONA Group Australia – 5 Star Google rating with 26 reviews


The KONA Group is Australian owned and is known for its 20+ years heritage of providing highly tailored Sales, Leadership, Negotiation, and growth effectiveness methodologies with real life experiences with fortune 500 companies.

2. SWISH Sales Coaching Sydney– 5 Star Google rating with 16 reviews


SWISH sales coaching in Sydney claims to teach you the secrets to sales success using the techniques and strategies employed by the world’s top 1% of salespeople.

3. FranklinCovey Australia – 5 Star Google rating with 6 reviews


FranklinCovey is known for its time-tested leadership and personal effectiveness methodologies, such as the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

4. PD Training Australia – 5 Star Google rating with 4 reviews


Their purpose is to help your organisation provide training and development to its people that is on target, fun, retained and above all helps them achieve their goals.

5. Healthy Business Builder – 5 Star Google rating with 2 reviews


Build a reputation on experience in business giving customers access to proven marketing and sales strategies that will grow a healthy business.
The main objective is to help/guide business owners to stay focused and remain on target, build networking and business skills, manage time more effectively, reduce stress and increase profit. Mandate is to give your company more direction in setting strategic goals.

6. SalesStar Australia – 5 Star Google rating with 1 review  


SalesStar specialises in sales training and coaching, offering programs that aim to boost sales performance and revenue.

7. Institute of Managers and Leaders (IML) – 5 Star Google rating with 1 review


IML offers leadership development programs and resources and is known for its commitment to promoting ethical leadership.

8. Dale Carnegie Australia – No Google reviews to refer to.


Dale Carnegie has a long history of providing leadership and sales training, with a focus on interpersonal skills, communication, and self-confidence.

9. Leadership Management Australia (LMA) – No Google reviews to refer to.


LMA offers a comprehensive range of leadership and management programs designed to develop practical skills and drive organisational success.

10. AIM (Australian Institute of Management) – No Google reviews to refer to.


AIM is a well-respected institution that provides a wide range of management and leadership courses, along with networking opportunities.

11. Sales Ethos – No Google reviews to refer to.


Sales Ethos focuses on sales training and consultative selling techniques to help businesses improve their sales processes and results.

12. RedSeed – No Google reviews to refer to.


RedSeed specialises in retail sales training, with a focus on e-learning solutions and improving customer service skills.

13. The Sales Edge – No Google reviews to refer to.


The Sales Edge provides practical sales training programs that help sales professionals close deals and build long-term customer relationships.

14. ProSales Connection – No Google reviews to refer to.


ProSales Connection offers a range of sales training and consulting services, with a focus on lead generation and pipeline management.

The reasons why these companies are considered among the top sales training companies include:

  • Their track record of success
  • The quality of their training materials and methodologies
  • Experienced trainers
  • Their ability to tailor programs to meet the specific needs of their clients

Additionally, client reviews and testimonials play a significant role in determining their reputation in the industry.

Google reviews can help you to choose a training provider.

How do you choose a supplier?

To find the best fit for your organisation’s training or professional development needs, it’s important to conduct thorough research, consider your specific goals, and possibly consult with representatives from these companies to discuss your requirements in more detail.

Choosing the best sales training and leadership company is crucial for the success of your sales team and your business. Here are some steps to help you select the right sales training provider:

Identify Your Needs:

Before you start searching for a sales training company, assess your specific needs and goals. Determine what areas of sales you want to improve, such as:

  • Prospecting
  • Closing deals
  • Objection handling
  • Customer relationship management

Define Your Budget:

Determine how much you can allocate to sales training. Consider both the direct costs of training and the potential returns on investment (ROI) from improved sales performance.

Research Potential Providers:

Start by researching potential sales training providers online. Look for companies or individuals with a strong reputation in the industry.

Check Credentials and Experience:

Evaluate the credentials and experience of the trainers. Look for trainers who have a track record of success in sales or extensive experience in sales training.

Some testimonials about Training from the KONA Group.

Read Reviews and Testimonials:

Look for reviews and testimonials from previous clients. This can provide insights into the effectiveness and quality of the training programs.

Request References:

Ask the sales training company for references from past clients. Contact these references to get feedback on their experiences and results achieved through the training.

Assess Training Content:

Review the content of the training programs offered. Ensure that the training materials align with your specific needs and goals. Look for a comprehensive curriculum that covers all relevant aspects of sales and leadership.

Delivery Methods:

Consider the delivery methods used by the provider. Some training programs are delivered in-person, while others are offered online or through a blended approach. Choose the format that suits your team’s preferences and logistics.

Customisation Options:

Determine whether the training can be customised to address your unique challenges and industry-specific requirements. Customisation can make the training more effective.

Evaluate Support and Resources:

Inquire about the post-training support and resources offered by the provider. Will they provide ongoing coaching, access to materials, or additional resources to reinforce the training?

ROI Measurement:

Ask the provider how they measure the ROI of their training programs. A reputable provider should be able to provide a clear framework for tracking and evaluating the impact of the training on your sales team’s performance.

Conduct Interviews:

If possible, conduct interviews with the trainers or representatives of the potential training provider. This will give you a chance to ask specific questions and assess their expertise and communication style.

Compare the costs of different training providers.

Compare Costs:

Compare the costs of different training providers while considering the value and quality they offer.

Don’t simply choose the cheapest option, as quality and results should be the primary considerations.

Seek Feedback from Your Sales Team:

Involve your sales team in the decision-making process.

Get their input on the potential training providers and programs to ensure that they are comfortable with the choice.

Make a Decision:

Based on your research, evaluations, and budget considerations, make an informed decision on the sales training provider that best fits your needs.

Remember that the success of your sales training program depends on the quality of the provider and the commitment of your sales team to actively participate and apply what they’ve learned. Keep communication open and continually assess the effectiveness of the training to make necessary adjustments.

Things to be aware of when choosing a supplier:

The effectiveness of sales training providers can vary widely, and what is considered the “best” provider may vary depending on your specific needs and goals. However, here are some general pros and cons to consider when evaluating different sales training providers:

Be aware of pros and cons when choosing a sales training provider.


Improved Sales Performance: Effective sales training can lead to improved sales skills, better closing rates, and increased revenue for your organisation.

Customisation: Many top sales training providers offer customised programs to meet your specific industry, company, and sales team needs.

Experienced Instructors: The best providers often employ experienced sales professionals and trainers who can offer valuable real-world insights.

Comprehensive Curriculum: Leading sales training providers typically offer a wide range of training topics, from basic sales techniques to advanced strategies.

Measurable Results: They often provide tools and metrics to track the effectiveness of the training, allowing you to measure the ROI.

Networking Opportunities: Some providers offer opportunities for sales professionals to network with peers and industry experts.

Continuous Learning: Many top providers offer ongoing training and support to ensure that sales teams continue to improve over time.


Cost: High-quality sales training can be expensive, especially if you opt for customised programs or top-tier providers.

Time-Consuming: Sales training often takes time away from selling activities, which can impact short-term results.

One-Size-Fits-All: Some providers may have a rigid curriculum that doesn’t fully align with your unique sales challenges.

Resistance to Change: Sales teams may resist new training methods or approaches, leading to slow adoption and implementation.

Lack of Follow-Up: Even with excellent training, if there’s no ongoing support or reinforcement, the initial benefits may diminish over time.

Limited Industry Knowledge: Some providers may not have expertise in your specific industry, which can limit the relevance of their training.

Overpromising: Be cautious of providers who promise miraculous results or quick fixes, as sales improvement often requires ongoing effort and practice.

When you are looking for the best sales and leadership training provider, it’s essential to consider your organisation’s unique needs, budget, and long-term goals. Research, reviews, and referrals from other businesses in your industry can help you identify the best fit for your sales team. Additionally, make sure to assess the potential provider’s track record and success stories to ensure they can deliver on their promises.

Contact KONA today to discuss what we can do for your business. Call 1300 611 288 or

Email info@kona.com.au

Sales Pipeline Funnel

The Importance of Sales Pipeline Management

A sales pipeline allows you to track the sales process more effectively, but it also helps you plan and evaluate activities at each stage.

Sales pipeline management can provide insight into the sales process to examine what’s working and what needs attention.

Every part of the sales pipeline should be tracked and measured. Sales pipeline training is a crucial component of sales development and can offer several benefits to both individual sales representatives and organisations as a whole.

As a sales leader, pipeline management will give you an understanding into how well your marketing is working and where prospects are not converting.  It will also help you evaluate performance by members of your sales team.

By tracking each stage, you can evaluate the impact of your marketing.  If your inbound marketing efforts are failing to convert sales from qualified leads, it may indicate you need to change strategies or train your team on how to close.  If your salespeople aren’t converting sales qualified leads at the rate you need, they may need additional support.

Pipeline management will give you insight into how well your marketing is working and where prospects are not converting.  It will help you evaluate performance of your sales team.

What should an Effective Sales Pipeline do?

  • Identify and target weak points in each stage of your pipeline
  • Pinpoint areas where additional coaching or sales training can help
  • Understand and analyse why some deals didn’t close
  • Prepare for potential sales growth or downturns

Do you want:

  • Improved Sales Performance?
  • More consistency with sales numbers?

KONA’s Pipeline Management Training is the answer you are looking for. Let us tell you why.

 Enhances Your Sales Skills

The KONA Pipeline training programs will cover a wide range of sales skills, including:

  • Prospecting
  • Qualifying leads
  • Objection handling
  • Negotiation
  • Closing techniques

Salespeople can sharpen their skills and adapt to changing market conditions.

 Better Forecasting

With a well-trained sales team, organisations can more accurately forecast future sales revenue.

This helps in budgeting, resource allocation, and overall business planning.

Reduces Sales Cycle Length

KONA Sales training will teach techniques for moving deals through the pipeline more efficiently, potentially reducing the length of the sales cycle. This means faster revenue generation.

Customer Relationship Building

KONA’s Sales pipeline training emphasises the importance of building strong customer relationships. This will lead to higher customer satisfaction, repeat business, and referrals.

A sales pipeline will improve sales performance and provide more consistency with sales numbers.

Boosts Confidence

KONA Pipeline training will boost the confidence of your salespeople, which will have a positive impact on their interactions with customers. Confident sales reps are more likely to close deals successfully.

Give your Team a Competitive Advantage

Well-trained sales teams will gain a competitive edge in the marketplace. They are better equipped to:

  • Understand customer needs
  • Position their products or services effectively
  • Outperform competitors

 Reduce Turnover

Investing in the development of your sales team will boost morale and job satisfaction, potentially reducing turnover.

A stable sales team leads to more consistent sales results.

KONA’s sales pipeline training is a valuable investment for both sales professionals and your business.

It will lead to improved sales performance, increased revenue, and a more competitive position in the market.

Get help managing your Pipeline

KONA’s Pipeline Management Training: If you want to give your sales team a competitive advantage and teach them how to effectively manage their pipelines, you can find out more about working with us here.

KONA’s Services: If you’re a business leader and you would like to know more about the services that the KONA Group can offer your business, click here.

Meet our team: We have many consultants in the KONA Group, all experts in their field. Click here to meet our team.

Call KONA on 1300 611 288 or Email info@kona.com.au

What are the traits of a Successful Salesperson?

Many salespeople make the mistake of thinking that success is a matter of luck.

Success in sales is about possessing a unique set of qualities that enable a salesperson to connect with customers, understand their needs, and close deals.

Are you an aspiring salesperson looking to improve your skills? Or maybe you’re a sales manager and want to refine your sales team. Here are ten essential traits the best Sales Trainers can help you to cultivate.

10 Traits of a Successful Salesperson

1. Exceptional Communication Skills

Effective communication is the foundation of successful sales.

A great salesperson can:

  • Articulate their ideas clearly
  • Actively listen to customers
  • Tailor their message to resonate with individual needs

They ask insightful questions and, most importantly, truly understand the power of the spoken and unspoken word.

2. Empathy

Empathy allows a salesperson to connect with customers on a deeper level.

The most successful salespeople will always be empathetic.

By understanding and sharing in the customer’s feelings, they can address concerns and offer solutions that genuinely resonate.

Empathetic salespeople build trust, which is fundamental in closing deals.

3. Resilience

Sales can be a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows. Rejection is an inevitable part of the job. A successful salesperson remains undeterred by setbacks and uses them as learning opportunities, emerging stronger and more determined with each challenge.

4. Positive Attitude

A positive outlook is contagious and can influence the entire sales process.

A good sales trainer knows that a salesperson who radiates optimism can create a more pleasant and productive atmosphere, making it easier to build rapport with customers and colleagues.

5. Adaptability

The world of sales is constantly changing.

A successful salesperson can pivot quickly to adapt to:

  • New technologies
  • Trends
  • Customer preferences  

They are open to change and view it as an opportunity for growth.

6. Strong Work Ethic

Success in sales often comes down to hard work and persistence. Top salespeople are known for their unwavering commitment to their craft.

They set clear goals, manage their time efficiently, and put in the effort needed to meet or exceed targets.

Top salespeople are known for the strong work ethic.

7. Product Knowledge

To be able to sell, you need to know your product or service inside and out.

Successful salespeople invest time in learning about their offerings, ensuring they can:

  • Confidently address customer questions
  • Demonstrate value

8. Problem-Solving Skills

Sales rarely go off without a hitch.

Successful salespeople are skilled problem solvers, capable of quickly identifying and addressing issues that arise during the sales process.

Their solutions are customer-focused and geared toward delivering the best possible outcome.

9. Respect for Integrity

Trust is the cornerstone of a successful sales relationship. Ethical salespeople prioritise honesty and integrity above all else.

They don’t make empty promises or engage in manipulative tactics to close deals, as they understand that a tarnished reputation is almost impossible to rebuild.

10. Continuous Learning

The best salespeople never stop learning. They are always:

  • Seeking out new information
  • Staying up to date on industry trends
  • Actively participating in training and development opportunities

Having a commitment to personal and professional growth ensures they remain at the forefront of their field.

Garret Norris delivering a training workshop to salespeople.

Success in sales is the result of a combination of these essential traits.

While not every salesperson is born with all these qualities, they can be developed and honed over time with dedication and effort.

Whether you’re an aspiring salesperson or managing a sales team, recognising and nurturing these traits is key to achieving lasting success in the world of sales.

With these traits as your foundation, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a highly effective salesperson.

Enhance the skills of your sales team today, to make them into the most successful salespeople they can be. Speak with a KONA Sales Trainer about the goals you have for your sales team.

Call 1300 611 288, or email